I was shocked when I saw the clip this morning... Unfortunately not her on steemit but it came on my YouTube feed... This is hilarious and made me laugh since most of the time all the crypto videos are very serious... Great to loosen up sometimes, especially now when everyone can breath for a while.... Great job and keep bringing good news from Acapulco:)...
Change bitcoin to any Altcoins Instantly ! It is a cryptocurrency exchange with the most favorable rates and the fairest terms. Your exchange has never been so smooth. https://changelly.com?ref_id=44c1f9794b98
Sure lots of them are very good and entertaining, which is why i follow him too. Wouldn't say this one has a lot of learning here though. Did you watch the video?
Absolute Lyrical Genius!
'Straight to the moon bitcoin all the way up'
It keeps playing on repeat in my mind now.
How long did it take to make this?
'fuck you Ben Bernanke!' hahaThose are some amazing bars you are spitting @dollarvigilante
wow @dollarvigilante AKA @jeffberwick I never knew that you can rap tight like a brother. Let the bitcoin haters see this and take a jump!!!! Bitcoin and Steem will rule the world.
I also exposed Dan secret plan in my blog post : Exposed: @Dan Hidden Plan To Take Over The World feel free to see it there as it relates to crypto haters. More success to you and keep up the great work.
@dollarvigilante I signed up for the TDV newsletter website and was supposed to get the equivalent of $50 of Bitcoin within 3 to 14 days. Today is day 14 and I still have not received anything...are you guys waiting so that Bitcoin will go up further so that you give me the least amount of Bitcoin?
I love this meh, its crazy to watch you do something totally different today and i hope we could do something like this for steem in the future when the price is going all the way up
Great music video. This goes to prove that bitcoin is really unstoppable. The lyrics are very funny too. Cant wait to see the look of Obama's face when he sees this video. He will be so much in tears. Lol
Very entertaining. What do do think of these info. Watch "BREAKING: BANKERS' NEW SDR CRYPTO BLOCKCHAIN WILL ENSLAVE HUMANITY - Lynette Zang" on YouTube
That video is outstanding! Bitcoin and other cryptos set to increase "all the way" up as traditional markets panic due to threat of nuclear war in Asia and other unsettling global events.
I was shocked when I saw the clip this morning... Unfortunately not her on steemit but it came on my YouTube feed... This is hilarious and made me laugh since most of the time all the crypto videos are very serious... Great to loosen up sometimes, especially now when everyone can breath for a while.... Great job and keep bringing good news from Acapulco:)...
Best song on the web :) Good job, Jeff!
Change bitcoin to any Altcoins Instantly ! It is a cryptocurrency exchange with the most favorable rates and the fairest terms. Your exchange has never been so smooth. https://changelly.com?ref_id=44c1f9794b98
I prefer blocktrades!
Jeff, do you have an email where I can contact you?
freedom (at) anarchast.com
I saw this on the video of mantis beats (the original all the way up) today.
Do you know if he responds to every email? I have some interesting shit he would definitely be interested in.
R.I.P Peter
u mean Peter "sniff" ? LOL ...XDDDDDD
I died laughing when I heard that LOL
Me too
Great song, love it
I love this so very much.
Yeah, so do I
Jeff is the man.
A lot of learning In here.
Good post blog as always!!!
Sure lots of them are very good and entertaining, which is why i follow him too. Wouldn't say this one has a lot of learning here though. Did you watch the video?
I should say a lot of thinking. I go deep in the words that was saying.
Keep on steemit !
Track was fire 🔥🔥🔥. I got beats let's work!
Absolute Lyrical Genius!
'Straight to the moon bitcoin all the way up'
It keeps playing on repeat in my mind now.
How long did it take to make this?
'fuck you Ben Bernanke!' hahaThose are some amazing bars you are spitting @dollarvigilante
This is just hilarious. All the up ... straight to the moon ;)

hope jay-z and fat joe like it, too^^
Jammin to this song like

Had to watch it twice. Great song!
wow @dollarvigilante AKA @jeffberwick I never knew that you can rap tight like a brother. Let the bitcoin haters see this and take a jump!!!! Bitcoin and Steem will rule the world. I also exposed Dan secret plan in my blog post : Exposed: @Dan Hidden Plan To Take Over The World feel free to see it there as it relates to crypto haters. More success to you and keep up the great work.
F*cking Awesome!
That reminds me; I need to check in on @mrviquez's blog and see if he's made the shitcoins song in the studio yet. :-D
"switz bank account in their pockets" haha nice music video mr.$ vigilante
@dollarvigilante I signed up for the TDV newsletter website and was supposed to get the equivalent of $50 of Bitcoin within 3 to 14 days. Today is day 14 and I still have not received anything...are you guys waiting so that Bitcoin will go up further so that you give me the least amount of Bitcoin?
Epic video I loved it.
I saw this last night "All the Way Up" and I Noticed LUCY in the young mans arms at the Beginning of the JAM !!! Love It..............
I'm glad to see that bitcoin has humbled you...
good stuff
Ohh my god
I love this meh, its crazy to watch you do something totally different today and i hope we could do something like this for steem in the future when the price is going all the way up
Great video
Ooooh this thing is gonna break the internet.... I can feel it.... Anything Canada's second best rapper touches turns to gold! Or Bitcoin actually !
It's all the way up for Bitcoin...Dope video..thank you for sharing :)
Love it!!!!!!!
I hope Bitcoin lowers in price 😂
Exactly! I'm not stupid enough to buy on a rise. A Bitcoin drop forecast would be appreciated Jeff.
Is there ever a bad time to buy bitcoin?
Hey wait a minute... where are the Lambos? It's nice to see the silly and fun side of Jeff. See you all at the moon.
Great music video. This goes to prove that bitcoin is really unstoppable. The lyrics are very funny too. Cant wait to see the look of Obama's face when he sees this video. He will be so much in tears. Lol
Very good Jeff!
Lol just as I was watching this on Youtube for like the 5th time, I come back here on Steemit and see it again :D All the way up :)
All the way up up up.
I've played this video like 100 times already holy sh*t! lol
@dollarvigilante awesome video. Sharing!
Let's all make this go viral... It's all about spreading that good crypto message with some awesome entertainment :)
This was actually better than I expected ! :D
That was fucking epic, Jeff!!!
The rest of the world will eventually be like:

Actually there's a lot of zombies buying Bitcoin now that the mainstream media are flaunting the profit potential of Bitcoin.
Bitcoin All The Way Up!!!
Bitcoin never fail to surprise us :D
wow its a wonder full video of bitcoin its music is also wonderfull and crazy @dollarvigilante sir
oooow its sooper dooper song thanx for share with us this is really new for me
Very entertaining. What do do think of these info. Watch "BREAKING: BANKERS' NEW SDR CRYPTO BLOCKCHAIN WILL ENSLAVE HUMANITY - Lynette Zang" on YouTube
It is a great video! I don't like rap, so that is saying something.
That video is outstanding! Bitcoin and other cryptos set to increase "all the way" up as traditional markets panic due to threat of nuclear war in Asia and other unsettling global events.
If there's nuclear war do you think the computers could survive the EMPs? After nuclear apocalypse if you can't eat gold, how much worse with Bitcoin?
If there's a nuclear war do you think the humans could survive the fallout?
This is going to the moon!!!
ayeeeeeeeeee! DJ jeffy jeff lol
Jeff I don't buy on a rise, how about a forecast for the next drop?