Biggest Wealth Transfer In History? Bitcoin Hits New All Time High Near $3,000 As Cryptos Surpass $100 Billion Market Cap

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Are we witnessing the biggest wealth transfer in human history? A case can certainly be made for it.

One year ago, cryptocurrencies as a sector had a market capitalization of only $11 billion. Looking back even further, four years ago, the entire sector including bitcoin had a market capitalization of less than $1 billion.

As of today, it has surpassed $100 billion.

Bitcoin itself sits on the cusp of $3,000 as we speak.

$100 billion is still just a drop in the bucket of all financial assets. Business Insider has estimated the total value of all financial assets to be $294 trillion.

But, note, that most of our data and charts on cryptocurrencies doesn’t come from Bloomberg or Reuters. The majority comes from places like Coindesk and - small organizations mostly operated by anarcho-capitalists who have been in these markets for years while Wall Street is just starting to wake up to the fact that they better get into this market now.

This is a big shift. The world of money and banking may just be beginning to fall out of the control of Central Banks and Wall Street and into what has been mostly anarcho-capitalists, like myself, who have been investing in bitcoin since it was $3 in 2011.

Now, with it at near $3,000, that is a nice 100,000% gain for those of us who want to end central banking, communism, fascism and big government.

With cryptocurrencies skyrocketing, the number of anarcho-capitalist millionaires in the world has likely risen from about 10 to around 10,000. This will have massive repercussions in the coming years.

Even The Guardian has taken notice, trying to write a hit piece about it.

Of course, instead of calling us anarcho-capitalists and having a picture of someone like myself in a business suit, they found the only two people involved in cryptocurrencies who regularly wear masks!

As an aside, I interviewed masked Smuggler, back in 2012, when I did interviews while smoking and drinking a glass of wine while bitcoin was at $10.

But, The Guardian headline is somewhat correct. Cryptocurrencies and the anarcho-capitalists/crypto-anarchists that have fostered them can potentially take down the entire central banking system and along with it warfaring and welfaring governments.

If that were to happen, we’d have peace and prosperity on Earth like we’ve never known it.

Although, we still have a very long way to go before we get there. And they will do everything they can to stop it.

One of the most recent attempts being the Prime Murderer, Theresa May, calling for full government control of the internet after recently pulling off several more false flag attacks in the UK as a run-up to the (s)election.

At Bilderberg this year, which I just returned from, one of the main topics on the agenda was “The War On Information” and to be sure, this is a key part in how they will attempt to stop the cryptocurrency revolution.

Some people are still of the belief that bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are government controlled “psyops” - I can assure you that as a movement, they are not.

I’ve been involved since nearly day one and all any of us talk about is how we can take down the governments and the central banks. Cryptocurrencies are being created with 100% anonymity (Monero/Dash) and even alternative internets are being designed (Maidsafe) so that they can’t even take down the internet unless they manage to turn off the power for the entire world.

And alternative social media based off the blockchain is already flourishing, like Steem and where we have been posting our material first since its inception (and made $100,000+ doing so - (please follow us there) - you can actually make money just by upvoting and commenting on our content).

And that’s beside making a fortune on the rise of the currency itself! You may recall our article, “It's Time Everyone Looks at Steemit Again” just a few weeks ago when Steem was near $0.25.

It’s currently near $2.00.

Will cryptocurrencies keep going straight up forever and never have pullbacks? Of course not, that’s impossible.

But, is this an evolution in money and banking that could change the world forever? Yes.

If you still haven’t listened to my pounding the table on cryptocurrencies, which I have been doing since 2011 when bitcoin was $3, please check out this free 4-video tutorial here. In it, I even offer to send you your first $50 in bitcoin directly from myself.

The Guardian likes to act like we are a group of shadowy figures who wear masks and want to destroy the wonderful banking system of today. In fact, there are now millions of us in almost every walk of life. We look fairly normal, we act fairly normal, and yes, we do want to destroy this heinous central banking cartel that has funded all wars and impoverished billions - by making it obsolete.

And maybe, we just might succeed.

There are 2 pages

Thank you Dollar vigilante!! And thanks for telling me about STEEM! Wow did that pay off!! :)

i'll be keeping up with Berwick's info from now on, thanks for promoting this! Captial Flight is indeed in full effect right now as money flees the legacy systems. however they can't do this too quickly, or they will cause damage to legacy investments and citizen infrastructure!

Agreed! Huge gains in STEEM over the past couple of days. Thanks for all of the info Jeff!

Definitely interesting about Steem!!!

Please check my article...Government Will Never Attack Bitcoin…They’re Secret Lovers – One Page Punch


Another great one
Jeff was who reminded me again about STEEM just 4 weeks ago. Even I registered here in MAY2016...but afterwards I totally forgot this...until I came across Jeff's live video. Since then - I'm like possessed... just powered my SP 10-fold today....ehhhh

Thankyou very much @dollarvigilante for mentiioning what Theresa May want's to try and get away with here in the UK. She is a part of the whole system and I'm praying and hoping we can get the socialist Jeremy Corbyn as prime minister in a couple of days! He is anti- big greedy corporations exploiting people so blatantly and we would at least be moving more in the right direction with him.

The Great Wealth Transfer Is Live!! Thanks for all you do Jeff. :)

Well funny!!!

Happy to have contributed a smile :)

Lol. This is hilarious. I love it! 💚

I Love YOU for Loving it! :) It's a Love-fest :)

Made me smile. Thanks.

Didn't even know that you are on Steem till this video.
Nice! )

Great stuff, as always Jeff.
I love your youtube posts on health as well. I have been following you for a while and I always thought you would start to do something about your health as you are open and intelligent.

Great piece Jeff, thank you! For sure it will be a rocky road ahead but cryptos are here to stay

It's not just crypto-anarchists getting into it. I've been involved just a couple years less than you and I would definitely not identify myself as anarchist anything. My theory (one of them, anyway) is that since the Federal Reserve and many other nations' central banks basically just oversee the printing up of money, making those on the top rich while the rest of us pay the bills through our own lost purchasing power due to inflation, these crypto tokens have become a sink for a lot of fiat money. People will pay $3,000 for a Bitcoin, for example. So in a weird way, I think all these cryptocoins have staved off inflation to some extent, by providing another "good" that all this money floating around can chase. It's definitely been a fascinating ride.

"With cryptocurrencies skyrocketing, the number of anarcho-capitalist millionaires in the world has likely risen from about 10 to around 10,000."
This struck me as extremely profound. The influence of anarcho-capitalists is growing by leaps and bounds, this is wonderful news, and will promote freedom for all of us.

wow... you really nailed this time!!! awesome post!!!

and by the way.. im on steemit thanks to you.. so thanks again!!!

have a good one!!!

Me too! He's done a great job by blowing the horn for cryptos since ages! Thanks, Jeff!

Thats the beauty of this (r)evolution, it is totally without aggression, just switch from banking to crypto's and when many people are doing this, they become absolete. Thanks for your post!

That is one of my favorite parts about bitcoin, ethereum, etc... is the ability it brings from those with value to create wealth. Its great when you find something that you can make money on and fundamentally stand behind. Its a great day for crypto!

All your speculations about BTC & STEEM are turning out to be very accurate....thanks for bringing awareness among people regarding crypto and their potential impacts.

Nice post! Thanks. Please follow me: @martinst

Congratulations @dollarvigilante!
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following category:

  • Upvotes - Ranked 8 with 548 upvotes

Good stuff man, I really enjoy your videos and posts, I don't agree with all what you say or think ..but I think that you are right about most of the things
keep up the good work ..and be furious as you are :)

I believe we are witnessing it.. and the crazy thing is, most of population is still on the wrong side of the trade

I hope you'll get back to that balcony, it's feels very comfortable to sit with you there

Great article Jeff,

Just one question, I see you emptied your Steem wallet, does this mean you think its overvalued at the moment? Or what is your short term Steem price-target?

Yes, hoping for a big pullback or I'm going to look like an idiot. :P

But even if it doesn't pullback I'll just keep makin' Steem and promoting it to as many as I can!

Thank you, this is a great platform and it's all thanks to Bitcoin (in the beginning).

Great post! Thanks for your input, I'm hoping it stays and goes higher now! wooaa :)

Thank you!! If I had not seen your videos, I would not have been here. But now I am , and this thing here is big, and very good :)

Hey D.V keep making videos bro, alot of good stuff for newbies like meself, excels our learning of crypto beyond anything cheers bro! And for your time, coz you cant put a price on time!! 👍👍👍

hey sounds good i wonder when i can't wait i invested in bitcoin and steem and I'm only 18 years old my mum will get a surprise soon :))))

Hey Jeff, you and Clif High need to do an interview. Get on it! ... please .

This was a great post!

And I don't see it stopping anytime soon!

Thank you Jeff for the mind blow!

Good article , next goal, 4000 usd after the next two month

Will like a donation of $50 worth of steem from Th dollar Vigilante

yes....let's end the paper currencies...

lets fuck this dirty system already

We're on the ground floor of history! The boat has just taken off from the port! Like you've said Jeff, the world will be filled with millionaire and billionaire anarcho-capitalists in the future! ;)

The New 1% will be those holding Crypto :)

We will succeed Jeff!!!

Jeez i walk away for a few months. Bam!

As expected. The idea of Bitcoin is bulletproof!

Thank you @Dollarvigilante. Great article and nice to read more about the 100billion marker

Glad to see you sopped smoking

Cudos for investing at $3, I wish I did!

Thank you Jeff for introducing me to cryptos about 2 years ago in his Shemitah Post! That was a really moving video about the pattern of crashes, and how it repeats itself every 7 years... Anyways, it took me one more year before I got invested into Bitcoin, and then slowly into other cryptos. I got into Bitcoin at around 600 $, so it's already a 5x gain for me! It has been amazing to see Bitcoin and cryptos grow over the last year, and seeing the market adoption and so many startups basing their businesses on Blockchain has been wonderful.
As more and more people join the bandwagon, it will be wonderful to see where Bitcoin goes!

To the moon... :D

Until they have control they will not rest. period.

Like the tech stocks once, Bitcoin stocks on a tear last few days as something new and exciting to consider. Here is the latest one I did a quick write up about, up 100% yesterday, others pulled back a bit today. Could be a good entry point now. Links in the article to the other ones as well.

Another informative post once again. Thank you!

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