We see the greatest redistribution of wealth and the outflow of capital in the history of all mankind and we will see the largest soap bubble in the world of which no one before did not know. And this is all caused by the innovative subversive fintech technology of decentralized blockade.
I'm just captivated by the fact that we are seeing the biggest redistribution of wealth and the outflow of capital in the history of mankind and now I'll put a few figures, facts, statistics on you and just mathematically that you understand everything why reading this article we are all going to be very rich if we make the right investment in the entire crypto asset market.
Crypto assets are flying into space, especially the ICO market will grow. As the capitalization of the entire crypto asset market is growing at a tremendous rate. the capitalization of all shares in the world is approximately 760 trillion USD. I expect at least an outflow of 33% of this money in ico + the whole currency in the world costs about 80 trillion usd and the crypto currency is going to take away also a part of this market and I also count on 33% of the outflow of fucking trillions + the market of savings assets such as the gold market and the gold market is 8 trillion usd and still there are all sorts of debt assets the exact figure can not say how much I estimate the savings investment well it's about 100 trillion usd and crypto assets too think about 20% + venture business will go to ico and crowdfunding + the revolution of autonomous decentralized markets without intermediaries will also make its own (there will be a huge crisis until about 2035), which will also cause capital outflow. the power consumption of the electricity network is now 35 terawatts and it grows at a huge rate (if now it's like a country Belgium then at such a rate in a couple of years it will be the electricity capacity until 2020 of the whole world if the growth rate does not start to fall! The power only of the bitcoin network is more than the power of all supercomputers of the world and therefore it can not be stopped even by the G-7 whose fund is 300 billion usd and the capitalization of the market is already 700 billion dollars and only for today's night it has grown by 100 billion from 600 to 700 billion per night! oh, we are taking off our belts better, since the BIGGEST CAPITAL OUTLOOK IN THE HISTORY OF HUMANITY awaits us and the redistribution of the wealth of the whole world! I expect that the soap bubble will piss on hundreds of trillion USD! And this means that all who will buy crypto assets within 2-3 years will become very rich people.I think against my evidence you do not have many words .... Recognizing all that is happening, I take breath away from the fact that I do not guess but I almost know exactly how much a person will be rich who right now is investing about 1380 kr pto assets on coinmarketcap.com!) And another question for a long time will live or not bitcoin I see so we always appreciated a rarity rarity and was our wealth and then turned into money so here's bitcoin it's like a picture of a better thing and more effective and millions of hardcore but the picture Monna Lisa as it was and will be and no matter how much better and more beautiful it will be a copy of it's price will not lose but will only get (WE PROMOTE RARE) so I finally realized and decided for myself what bitcoin is not a currency but a means of saving as gold , antiques, etc. Bitcoin's capitalization relative to the total macse crypto assets will fall and most bitcoin will grow and I think it will exceed 10 trillion and will be large-cap gold because bitcoin is not only a means of savings but also savings, and so on. e. it is tied a lot blokcheynov. Blokchein came to this world for a long time and I think much longer than oil came into it.
It's great. But i have no money to risk investing