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RE: Crypto trading, payments, and mining companies are tax-free in Portugal

in #bitcoin6 years ago

I afraid this is a similar situation to what happened to the betting sites, they were working under "general" regulation, but when they decided that it could be a profitable market to get lot of taxes they changed the regulation and killed the industry in Portugal for a long while and taking even longer for the comeback to happen (not anytime soon).


Politicians are like snakes(no offense to the animal), they have a bifid tongue when they talk trying to make look true what is a lie.
Thanks for the comment about the normal distrust on Latin made laws, that are reversed at any time giving no trust to the investors and market stability.
If we go right in the next election everything goes down the drain, also with the possibility of the next finance minister being left is not a guarantee that this law will stand.
When governments make new economical rules, they should state for how long the law will stay, to create a stable market.