
Yep. Got ahead on my student loan through steemit. Real life example of me shortening the life of my student loan pronciple and interest. @digdaga

If that is freedom and not money making then we will have to agree to disagree!

I never said you can't make money on blockchain by the way!

Its freedom from my debt
its a shorter "jail sentence" on my debt, if you will, so I'll have it paid off sooner. My "sentence" ends sooner which means my freedom from the debt comes quicker

this is like saying I bought a penthouse with debt and went to work for wall street or banking cartel to get my freedom quicker instead of having a normal job that pays me average salary!

That makes no sense. I went into debt for a good job called physical Therapy. I'm not working for a "cartel" here on steemit.....your analogy makes absolutely no sense

But you are saying if I can get out of debt because of steemit, Bitcoin, Litecoin, or another other stock then that is the definition of freedom.
Maybe I will try another analogy, if you have bought Facebook stocks and made tons of money and cleared your debt while pursuing your decent physical therapy job, would you call that freedom?

There are different types of freedom. I never implicitly stated "getting out of debt is the definition of freedom"
Also i like my job bevause i can help people. But even if i paid off my student loans tomorrow i still would not be FREE I still have the govt taking ~40% of every paycheck. And i realize that