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RE: Get with the Program, Got Bitcoin and Crypto Currency?

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Blockchain Technology is all about tracking every move you make, Every post or comment you make in steemit will be locked after 7 days and never be deleted.
Same thing will happen in medical records, or Education, everything will be registered in the blockchain, trackable and can't really be deleted. Every penny you spend will be registered, Just think deeply about how the blockchain works and you will come to understand the truth, and that is why Switzerland, Japan, Indonesia, Uk, China, USA, Australia, and much more countries are encouraging and loving this technology.


We certainly must understand and consider all of this. The truth is very often bitter. It's wonderful that so many of the innovators are liberty-minded and would like to wrest centralized control away from the few to empower the many. The Internet itself started out very free and was deftly corralled and subverted.

And when you think about it, the Satoshi Nakamoto story is really very suspicious. But then so is walking on the Moon and even the nuclear weapons threats. What is real and what is a mass illusion?

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth", I like to question everything myself and as you said the story of Satoshi is so Suspicious that I had to question this whole blockchain technology and the way it works and keeps records of everything, I started to imagine the future of Blockchain in various fields and I personally think this is made for tracking everything we do from social media, Medical records, movies watched, web browsing, gambling habits, Education Records, even the food we eat. I could be wrong but only time will tell.

So different factions are doing the same thing, including practical idealists. Everyone knows we need our own governance, just as you choose the type of law that you want; companies, organizations, communities are going to have to guarantee proper control of the information you want. It forms its own jurisdiction. We are always in many districts at the same time. Will people not compete to provide the best jurisdiction? Trust must grow, careless division end.

Just take a look at this post, for example, a whale can come and upvote any comment they want and downvote or flag anything else they don't like and this place suddenly becomes more centralized than any social media out there.
Centralization is about the power in the hand of the few, and this is still the case in what we like to call decentralized blockchain.

True but responsibility comes with power. All those actions invite reactions. Competition is always keen to unseat those who are taking advantage. However each organization will try to steer the enterprise in the best way according to... what? ...the plan at hand? Why not reward long-term posts, why do they stop earning?

A true decentralization will be showing at least the first page the posts that get the most upvotes, Reads or comments, not the ones that get most of the money! since that is the easiest way to centralization.

Well competition in the creation and supply of money is essential. Money monopolies are the cause of much havoc. On any playing field it (the unit of value) becomes a game like any other. Upvotes without monetary value, was that more interesting, more fun? All different tokens have value or not; there are many tokens to represent all kinds of things. If people want it, it will be built.

Blockchain is so much more than that. If you care about privacy, check out Monero, a coin just as fungible and traceable as cash.

Blockchain is a wonderful technology and this is not really the point of my debate, my point is claiming Bitcoin is anti-government without any hard proof is very stretched. Personally, i am invested in this technology since 2014 and never sold a single penny from all the profit that I made as I still believe this technology will go mainstream someday.

Dude. You literally said "For the sole reason that Cryptocurrency in general and Bitcoin in specific are easily traceable compared to cash.". Any person who cares about privacy can simply go through monero and have the least traceable currency in the world.

I had to make a post about this subject:

Here it is and tell me if you still think Governments dislike Bitcoin!

Can you please tell me how many people in the cryptocurrency market uses Monero? Percentage wise, it will be less than 0.01% and i am being generous with the math here. Besides our debate was not about Monero, Zcash, Pivx, or Dash! It was about Bitcoin in Specific.

-"It was about Bitcoin in Specific." You said and I quote again : "cryptocurrencies in general" Now you say it is Bitcoin specific. lol.

0.01%? Monero market cap alone is 70 times that. Not to mention that you don't need to hold monero, you can just use it and trasfer it back to a BTC wallet. I can assure you 100% of people who care about privacy do at least that.

Bitcoin Number of wallets created is 16 Million
Ethereum 1.6 Million
Litecoin 600k
Dash 300K
While there is no way to tell how many Monero wallets are there but many people believe it's between 12 to 15k Compared to all other 700 cryptocurrencies that is basically not much.
While I thank you for highlighting to me if I need privacy to use Monero, Dash or other Anon Coins out there, the majority don't and the above numbers can prove it to you.
and when I said cryptocurrencies in general, I did not say all of them but most of them are easy traceable, lets say 98 to 99 Percent of all Crypto Projects out there are very easy to trace but not 100 Percent of them. But did we answer the main top question if Bitcoin is anti-Government? I still think it is not and here is my argument with proof why it is not:

I do hold Monero, Zcash, Dash and Pivx as part of my portfolio and i know exactly what they are and how they work!