Mine Bitcoin While You Surf The Web!

in #bitcoin4 years ago


Have you ever wanted to mine crypto but were afraid of getting into a long cloud mining contract or buying expensive mining gear? Well, your day has come!

Using the CryptoTab browser, you can mine bitcoin in the background as long as the browser is open! It's the perfect way to accumulate bitcoin without having to spend $30k+ on an exchange.

For anyone who has wanted to get into the crypto space but hasn't has the time or money, this is the perfect intro vehicle.

Now, I'm guessing you have some questions. namely, how much can it make me? How much of my computer power does it use? The simple answers are: not a lot. (prepare yourself: Incoming math)

Judging by my computers performance marks, it seems at max mining power, which is showing at 1.4Mh/s, it is using about 2GB of my 8GB system ram. Significant as that might seem, with nothing else running ( and really...why would you try to game or do anything else taxing while it's mining?) it doesn't seem to be affecting my web-surf/browsing experience. This is one of those things that, with an old computer, you could set it and forget it, if you know what I mean. You could even have it running on multiple machines!

now...wanting to give full disclosure, I am using a 2020 acer aspire laptop with a 10th generation Core I-5 quad core processor at 2.5GHz. No video card and in less than 10 mins i have accumulated about 50 satoshis of Bitcoin!

So, 10mins =50 satoshis (just giving ball park figures here based on my machine. A high powered computer will, obviously, do better.)

So, 50 staoshis x 144 ( the number of 10 min intervals in a day) = 7,200 satoshi a day.
7,200 x 7= 504,000 satoshi a week!

Now, multiply that by every phone and laptop you have gathering dust in a closet or drawer (yes the browser works on Android and iOS)

At the current exchange rate as of 1/6/2021 of $35,043.00 that's roughly $176.62 a week! How many of us couldn't use an extra $175 a week?

Use my referral link below and we'll both get extra hashing power to make that return even better.

There's really nothing to lose, so why wait?

referral link: https://cryptotabbrowser.com/17862019