How to do it right (Canadian Edition)

in #bitcoin7 years ago

We had a great talk today with the professional stock trader. He thinks that psychology factor still applies to the crypto world. We were happy to explain to him that there are some similarities. But crypto market works different and it's not MLM strategy. Blochain is computer algorithm that can't user uninterrupted. No one has control over it even person who invented it. You can fix problems code has, but you will create hard fork copy (replication of the same code in turn new coin will be born. Old code is unstoppable and can't be intervened. A true honest digital economy that doesn't have most annoying human factor: GREED... It's near autonomous economy. Yes, it will have problems down the road. But in our opinion on a much smaller scale if right direction is taken:
- Allow free flow of innovation in this segment
- Verify innovation but stop consider ICO as securities or assets
- Create CFTA (Canadian FinTech Administration) Not for a group of close circle people but every company that deals with mining, e-commerce, innovation companies, manufacturing, Biotech, Aerospace, DND, Banking, Real Estate, Insurance, Service industry Government, Licencing, Transportation and Information Managment and the general public have an equal voice. Unregulated decentralized non-for profit organization that will help filter wolfs out of system and protect end-user and the public in general
What in our opinion will it change?
1) Help to avoid Midevil syndrome,
2) Uneven distribution of wealth (for the world to be fine to our estimate every human on the planet must have 0.003 Bitcoin, or coin that has similar value must exist with larger supply cap, by 2040 to avoid civil unrest on a global scale.
3) create competition market for innovation on the platform
4) Provide Economic value much larger than everyone estimates it is today
5) True potential for the technology will be evident and all of us will be able to evaluate it.

Had brainstorm on how to fix current and future problems, technology has or will have in the near future.
For some weird reason I see where problems  were taken from I taken from Reddit yesterday.

Upvote if you agree. If you want to at least try to make it happen I accept donations:

BTC: 162rXZaJA96NGj47cWWnjt1yf69DtwDC74
ETH: 0x0033ed5b86b7f834b0a177c223c622f4849f1b10