Hello fellow steemians,
A lot of people in crypto space are very skeptical and adverse to Ripple and its token XRP. I believe it is due to fact that the token was specifically designed to work with existing banking system that many of crypto fans are against as they believe in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies that are designed to work exactly opposite. Even the early investors in XRP are getting little inpatient as the price is not moving up much since its fall from ATH. Those people are due to my opinion just greedy and thinking they will get rich in a month or two. The growth of XRP since the beginning of the year until this day was some 30x increase so it is only natural it is taking little rest rather than going additional 10x. The positive news about Ripple are coming constantly with the Banks adopting the technology at fairly fast pace. My point here is to only explain my straightforward opinion why I believe that Ripple and the XRP token is one of the fundamentally strongest coins out there despite the hate it receives. I have been sending money to my home country from various places around the world over the past 15 years, sometimes taking up to 8 days and costing even 100USD at the time. Even though the situation is slightly better it is not perfect and the majority of the crypto enthusiast will at least agree with me how annoying and frustrating it is to send money to your exchange to buy your favorite crypto. It takes me around 5 days on average now and costing some 50USD not even considering exchange rates. It is a BS! I want something that transfers immediately, costs me a fraction in transaction fees and does not cost me a fortune in conversion rates. There you go, this is why I believe Ripple and XRP is the future!
CEO & Founder of CGH
Já si taky myslím @czechglobalhosts, že první věcí, jak se některé kryptoměny mohou prosadit do povědomí širší veřejnosti je její použití v "normálním" světě. Právě spolupráce s bankami je jedním z možných kroků. Pokud bude XRP používáno bankami na transakce, může se XRP dostat do obrovských výšin. Do jaké výšky nevím, ale pokud bude na úrovni Vámi zmíněných 10$, budu skoromilionářem ;-). Takže let's go XRP!
10USD by bylo úžasných:).....
it just makes sense. Ripple solves a real world problem which would give it a real use case. and if banks use ripple technology , they save more money on processing fees if they use XRP. that would be 100 billion or more in volume a day, which is why 100$ a coin would be easy. Ripple to the moon friend!
Yep, we are on the same wawe....
I am not sure if 100USD a coin but if we go to 0.5 to 1USD by the year end and up to 10 in next few years then I am a very happy man:)....
100$ a coin is possible. Imagine the volume if banks used xrp and the volume of investors because this is the first time a cryptocurrency will be used in large financial institutions. Don't look at this as a regular bitcoin type crypto, this crypto will break new barriers by being used by the largest financial insititutions in the world
Well, that would certainly be great but let's talk about that when it happens:)....
Exactly my thoughts. Concerns are 1. Banks don't have to use XRP when using the Ripple network (as far as I know) and 2. They would prefer a stable currency.
Using XRP token by banks is saving them additional tens of percent on each transaction which can equal to billions in savings for the biggest banks on yerly basis.... XRP is a win-win situation for the banks and the consumers....
Just made an early bird Ripple $XRP entry. Going for long term. The top hasn't been test yet. High chance going back sometimes in the future

Sooner or later XRP will turn into beast and go straight to 1USD in the matter of month... I do not care when as I am holding long term. Great fundamentals with the real world use case....
yes you are right. but you should buy bitconnect as well it will also pretty high till the end of this month.
i wish best of luck to both of us.. cheers .. have beer now
I find it amazing how many opinions there are about cryptos... I'm still quite confused, but i'll keep trying to piece it together (-:
Wild, wild west:)...
It is really amazing. Everyone is an expert and everyone has an opinion. It is hard to piece together your own thoughts from so many differing viewpoints.
1 XRP = 0.18$ , It is too low
Good price to accumulate.... if it goes lower then it is ok because long term it is only significantly up.....
Im skepitcal about Ripple, it goes agains the concept behind cryptocurrency idea of freedom from banks, borders and control of govs. But, yep. the cost will be reduce to do transations...still I dont buy their idea.
How many people know about crypto or how many are even using it? Very few, around 0.3% of the world population... As much as I love BTC and other cryptos it is far from being adopted by people for day to day operations.... Or how about BTC, how many did you spent since you hold them? Me? None and I am not on planning that for a long time since it will increase in value... However, I transfer money across the borders frequently, takes me forever and costs me a lot of money.... I want things done immediately for as little as possible.....the solution is XRP not BTC or other crypto.... XRP is win-win for the banks and the consumers!
yes i like ripple but its not rise from many time why?
Isn't 30x return in a year high enough? I think it is massive returns.....
I thought the issue with Ripple was that banks could use Ripple technology without using the XRP token and thus the value of the token isn't necessarily going to rise.
By using XRP token banks are saving significantly more on the transaction cost then without using it, tens of percent per transaction, not sure the exact amount....
That's true, hopefully they start using XRP. I am also a holder of XRP btw because I believe it would be a great way to send money to family back home instead of wire transfers.
The basis of XRP is a solid one. It will definitely have it's time in the sun. People are generally to impatient. They always jump out too early and regret their actions later. Not to mention, it is only $0.18, not to much to just buy and hold.
Well said, couldn't agree more with you!
Thanks for the recommendation hopefully transactions will streamline more and more in the not too distant future
Not really a reccomendation, this is something I believe in since it has massive potential and usecase.... I am holding XRP long term:).....
guys .... guys pls dnt shoot the messenger
i came here with the most outmost positive insight with ripple and really tried to do research on ripple
i have very very bad news for ripple holders i have read the whitepaper and its not good news at all
xrp tokens will not be used to transfer value they are just ledgers that will be communicating in the network
they can use other tokens also and ignore xrp if they please.
get out while you can guys , oh also this is just xrp is just token its not a real cryptocurrency its not even a blockchain its just ledgers.
help out your fellow crypto investors and warn them of this finding.
Thank you for sharing your Ideas Thomas.
Do you recommend and a place to buy XRP? and app, website or so?
I'm thinking of buying couple of XRP and store them for the long run.
To buy xrp you have to change btc
Yes I do have btc stored and I would like to exchange some with xrp.
I am using Bitstamp and Bittrex, both trade XRP for BTC..... Storing them on Ledger Nano S long term.....
Thanks mate, I think it's time for me to get a physical Ledger.
Oh, absolutely! Any coin that can be stored in a hardware wallet should be stored so to protect your investment....
i would say to buy it on kraken.com or bittrex
thanks I will give them a try
There are many exchanges you can use to buy XRP. https://bittrex.com/, https://poloniex.com/, and https://www.kraken.com/ all support XRP. However, as anhkhoi said, you'll first need to purchase Bitcoin than you can then exchange for XRP.
Thanks for the info mate, I will give them a try. the problem also that so far I haven't settled to BTC exchange service. I have tried several ones so far. and I didn't like any of them.
Hope in long run it is gonna be profitable
@czechglobalhosts , many people may have felt identifyed with this great post about XRP. You are true about this, even when I want to transfer crypto from one exchange to another, I first convert it into XRP because it travells almost instantly to the other exchange or wallet. And in today's volatility, it is important to have funds on the needed place at the correct time. I even mentioned your personal story in my latest post about XRP. https://steemit.com/cryptocurrency/@gold84/this-cryptocurrency-could-be-the-next-bitcoin I thought you would like to check it out. @gold84
Solid blog. I was about to post a similair thread. No matter how populair a coin is. People should always do a proper background check. It surprises me how many coins are out there that don't have their basics right. Besides coinmarketcap.com there is: https://www.coincheckup.com I'm using this site that gives in depth reports on every tradable cryto in the market. Go to: https://www.coincheckup.com/coins/Ripple#analysis To see the: Ripple Detailed analysis