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RE: Bitcoin Dives! Why I Remain Bullish + Tron Rant

in #bitcoin7 years ago

I completely agree with you about the current market resembling a penny stock casino right now. there are some favored YouTube channels (100k subs) promoting couple of alts in each video and they sometimes actually make 3 videos per day!
I have a question with regards to the bitcoin/ ethereum comparative standings. In an event that ethereum reaches 10 k$ in price by the end of 2018, what are your thoughts on price of bitcoin at that particular situation. I do think it is unlikely for that to happen, however given the fact that how fast the mentality of the market changes, I think it's prudent to consider the case for ethereum becoming more popular as time goes by. I should add that I believe in such cases bitcoin will still remain favored, however I cannot speculate a price. I hope you can help with that.
Another thing that I want to say is about people loosing faith in ICOs. you once said when things are out of favor it is time to look in to them. As for the argument of "no utility of cryptos", I'm observing a trend in which more developers seem to start caring about that in their projects.
In terms of investing I believe spotting potent ICOs will prove to be more profitable than chasing altcoin pumps in 2018. I have stumbled up on an ICO named DIGITEX, with ambition to provide a commision-less bitcoin futures trading for their users. I'm not trying to promote it, nor have I decided to invest in it. however, given the fact that it seems to benefit traders like us, I thought it might be useful to mention it and ask for your opinion.


If Ethereum reached $10k by end of 2018, I think Bitcoin would be at least ~$58k, likely higher. I don't think it's terribly likely we see a sustained Flippening happen, so that number is based on them being tied. I didn't adjust for inflation and it's back-of-the-envelope math so don't read into it too much. FYI this isn't a prediction, just answering your specific question.

I wouldn't jump into the ICO storm too much. I am hoping eventually there are ICOs where the developers have a working product first to show people and have them use with "fake tokens" just to get an idea of how it works, then raise capital. That'd be more professional, but that's just me. I probably won't touch ICOs still, regardless of how out of favor they become.

I guess you're right about the ICO thing. I just recently heard about the Telegram, start using the word blockchain in their vocabulary. That also means the storm is yet to be over.
I know it's hard to speculate. Cause everything is happening so fast and I feel a certain non linearity in the market behavior. bitcoin is experiencing consolidation I geuss. I look forward to your next video. I saw one video but I think you removed it. might be that I saw a video in my sleep??