I am also one of those people who thought that bitcoin price in particular would at least stay up with its price for a while. So in turn my investment to my cloudmining efforts went downhill because the Antminer from Hashnest aren't making profits anymore.
So the mining got discontinued and is just making negative profits due to mining difficulty and the declined BTC price. But it will comeback or will have a chance to recover if BTC again will comeback to at least 8,000 dollars per BTC. So at least I still have a hope for that matter unless Hashnest would really discontinue mining with their S9 miners.
I didn't listen to some of the traders of Hashpower there because mining as they say is just a bonus and the real profit really comes from trading the hashpower. So I just experimented but I lost but all hopes are not lost until BTC price would have a comeback.
I think Hashnest is mining now for a loss with their Antminers, they are in turn in an accumulation phase and I am also certain that they too didn't see any of these coming. I also thought that they would do something just to avert this kind of bear market and it is really a learning experience.
I only lost a little though but it is still painful since I have a little money. While I really didn't lost yet for my other altcoins because I am not selling and perpetually will hold until my sell orders will get executed because I think it is just the way to do it and I must really practice patience in these kinds of markets where one wrong move could mean a total loss.
I now had became an investor as I see it and will just hold my position until in the future my bags would lighten up a little. Selling is a no-no because it is just foolishness to do that unless you know what you are doing.
Steem is a great investment as well because it is a social media platform coin which has a future because of its use case and dapps that can be built on top of it which is fantastic and you just have to look on it long-term because it will not happen overnight but gradual and since we had seen some price pumps too in the past, steem is proven that it is one of the best coins to hold unto.
I also have lost money in this bear market but I believe 2019 will be a great year for crypto. (let's hope I'm right!)
Anything is possible but some say that another run is after 3 years. (ಥ_ಥ)
2019 will be the year of cryptos,wait and see.
The market caught a lot of people off guard. I never tried mining but I the lower prices go the more lucrative mining gets!
Posted using Partiko Android
Same we stopped mining too... it’s not worth mining anymore and our computer suffered from it.
Posted using Partiko iOS