I find these limitations very interesting indeed. It's a recognition that we are dealing with an extremely volatile asset class of which the traditional stocks/currency/commodities traders probably have never seen the likes of before.
In traditional stock markets, you have circuit breakers that kick in when the market makes any oversized moves up or down (crypto style). In real crypto trading, you generally have no such guarantees or insurances, your coin could go from hero to zero literally in a split second.
What I find most interesting about the impending arrival of BTC and probably followed by other crypto cash-settled futures is that it could potentially divert a large chunk of funds that would otherwise actually invested in buying cryptos. In effect, these futures contracts are not much more than just a way for institutional traders to bet money on BTC without having to actually buy or handle any.
I wrote a blog about my thoughts on how these futures are not an upward only bet for Bitcoin which may be of interest.