Hello fellow Steemians and my followers!

Solid BTC fall. After crossing over 2000 BTC buy wall to $ 8770, it bounced back from $ 8700, where a new 2000 BTC buy wall was created again.
This is the situation when almost everyone has stop losses around the same level, where the coincidence and interest is to buy again from the other side.
Anyway, panic sells on others, and again stop losses have been added to that, so the alty has also grown. Now it's probably going to be a little bit upstairs until they start to rub their hair with the price over their stop loss. So then they quickly buy back, and then it will go down again.
It is because the BTC is now moving down the stairs, when it is a slump, then the price is almost back but never higher. And because it never crosses the previous step, it will be the next step. So the key will be if BTC will succeed in overcoming previous resistance or not. If it stops again just below the previous step, and then nothing, the direction of the mine will probably continue.
Before us, however, the large CONSENSUS 2018 conference (14-16.5.) There, in theory, everyone should make sure that the crypto has a massive future, and maybe it's going to have some taste for bigger purchases. So far, it looks like the second correction scenario. It is very much for me with a question mark, if the second attempt is 10k, because when this way BTC goes down, it will usually not resolve any resistance. Because we have not even exceeded 10k even under the SMA 200, the bear market has not been definitively eliminated. And the rise in the bear market behaves a little differently than falling in the bear market.