10 Reasons why Nano is Massively undervalued 🧐🧐

in #bitcoin6 years ago

Hey Steemers... I am a huge fan of nano formally known as raiblocks. Here are my 10 reasons why i believe nano is massively undervalued right now.

  1. Brainblocks their payment processing solution has over 300 merchant integrations, there is also a working point of sales https://brainblocks.io/
  2. The community is actively creating new products in the ecosystem https://nanomate.co/ , https://nanobox.es/ and https://nanothings.store/ are examples of this
  3. Universal blocks has been implemented recently
  4. The mobile app is currently in closed beta and will likely be released to all soon
  5. The crazy rally of late 2017 has resulted in many buying the high, they are subsequently bleeding out without an understanding of the technology
  6. Nano has a supportive and friendly community... which is rare in crypto
  7. The core dev team is singularly focused on making nano digital cash... focus is a good thing https://nano.org/en/faq
  8. The larger macro environment is expected to improved for crypto as a whole and so the rising tide should lift all ships
  9. Charlie Lee the creator of Litecoin owns nano and said publicly that its an interesting project
  10. Nano doesn't use a crazy amount of electricity via proof of work mining... and with platforms like ETH requiring over 1TB of storage for a full node, nano is looking well positioned to become the cash of the future




I lost 100 nano..lost wallet. :/

yes potencially 4x coin as of now.

agree completely

nano is in itself a good project but unfortunately not safe from spammers. Any decentralized system, which is free, can be crashed by spammers because the spammers do not pay any fees.

i dont understand that... there is a small amount of proof of work that needs to be done to spam the network, everytime you spam it actually costs you money in computer time... the more you spam the more it costs you...

Yes it cost money but no fees and this is a huge difference. Make one million transfers for spam with one cent per transfer and you must pay 100k Dollar plus energie and worker. Make 1 million oder 100 million transfers with zero fees and you pay only for the energie and the worker. This is a minimum of cost for a company or privat spammer.

yes I like me too nano coin and steem coin they are make me very rich man

 6 years ago  Reveal Comment