Pssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssst....may or may not be working on an asset-backed cryptocurrency that will back other cryptocurrencies seeded in our network xD
Imagine transacting with a currency ACTUALLY backed by an asset...yeah, others are coming out with them, but not like this one. Feel free to follow - gave you one!
Looking forward to building this community together and would like to include some links to your music if I you'd like. I like to promote fellow Steemian art within my posts which are not focused on art whatsoever. I find this as a great way to help my Steemian community gain exposure for their work while further building the community. All re-steems/comments/upvotes are much appreciated! Check it: Example of post used to promote Steemian! Toward the bottom:)