Hey Steemians!
I was just looking at Bitcoin's volume and noticed Bitcoin Cash was VERY close behind it...I have never really looked at Bitcoin Cash's volume, but take a look at the chart below.
Bitcoin Cash volume, in the past 30-days, barely reached 1 billion once - 24 hour volume.
Considering the various forks going on with Bitcoin - is this a private thing going on with Bitcoin Cash miners and China? Or is this something more public? Would love to hear your insights and thoughts!
I'm curious if it's possible to set up notifications on posts? I'm interested to see what sort of comments and feedback posts like this get but I'm not sure how to keep up with it. I'm interested in knowing why Bitcoin cash is getting so much activity as well...
Hey @mattw - I was listening to Carter Thomas' Coinmastery podcast this morning and he mentioned the Bitcoin Cash spike and said that Bitcoin Cash had a fork over the weekend itself. Kind of crazy what's happening with people trying to take Bitcoin and brand it themselves...pretty stupid if you ask me and it's destroying the potential price of Bitcoin.
Anyway, I hope this helps you out man! Went ahead and gave you a follow too! I'm sure there's a lot more to the story.
@mattw - right? I don't think there is a way :( If I do get any more comments on here, I'll tag you though! I think with the introduction of @zappl and other applications on #steemit, we should be able to do stuff like that soon enough, hopefully!
Hoping something good like this happens with NEO ;) hahaThanks for the comment mattw! Glad someone else out there is noticing - kind of weird huh? It MUST be something with China, no? #cn I hear that's where miners don't even have a clue the difference between Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash.