“The safe time to invest is when there is blood in the streets.”
- Mark Mobius...
Do you like wordplay?🤔🧐😀
I really enjoy the challenge of writing tight prose, poetry in assorted forms (limericks, haiku, sonnets, pantoums, etc...), and just experimental "word things."
Here, for the SECOND TIME ANYWHERE🤣 is a bit of wordplay inspired by the latest DIP, DIPPITY DIP in the #bitcoin world...
NOTE: This piece was first published on nostr.
Please enjoy!
Ooopsie! (source)
~ Silly Syllable Sequence Seven ~
by Duncan Cary Palmer
Smokin' Sat Sale Spotted?
Silly, Stupid, Sad-Sack Sellers!
Scrutinize Sizzling Situation,
Seriously Scanning Squalid Scene...
Swiftly Sell Surplus Stuff—
Sink Stocks, Securities, Shitcoins—
Secure Suitably Sufficient Sat Stack.
Sit Still, Serenely Smiling,
Selfhodl'd Sats Securing
Subsequent Self-Satisfaction.
Your comments are always welcome...😆
NOTE: Don't miss the enlightening hyperlinks in my posts.
IMAGES are my own, open source, by permission, or fair use.

I would love to hear from you; please join Hive and join the conversation below!
Alliteration's always alluring around August.
Angry apes, awful alligators and agile antelopes aplenty.
Appreciating, admiring, and ardently acknowledging all additional allegiantly avid appearances!😄