“What's at the root of all evils? Wealth-fixation!
Through this craving some have wandered away from the faith and pierced their hearts with many pangs.” - Paul the Apostle...
Can ₿itcoin ₿e ₿eat?
by Duncan Cary Palmer
No-coiners, gold bugs, and bitcoiners; we each have a knee-jerk reaction to the question; but, if you value an open mind, it might just be worth revisiting.
The answer's obvious to a bitcoiner.
₿itcoin is the perfect money, and everything else is rubbish, right?
But could something totally unexpected beat bitcoin? A radical, non-obvious alternative you've never before imagined?
Can you suspend your disbelief a minute?
Roll with me—just long enough to see something completely different, something you may never have considered. And—if you find this subject intriguing—be sure not to miss the supplemental material found at the many embedded links.

What is Wealth? (source)
R. Buckminster "Bucky" Fuller, who popularized the geodesic dome, famously said "Wealth is a measure of a person's ability to survive so many days forward." What if your wealth could guarantee your survival indefinitely?
If you and I are bitcoiners, and especially if we lean toward being maxis, we already agree:
₿itcoin is near-perfect money.
Weightless and durable. Constantly increasing in real-world value. Unassailable property, resistant to theft. Non-inflatable. Impossible to counterfeit. Globally transferrable at the speed of light.
What could possibly be better?
Stay with me! Believe it or not, I'm not promoting some sh*tcoin.
One of bitcoin's claims to fame is that it encourages low time preference behavior. What if I could show you an even lower time-preference savings technology than bitcoin? If you could wave a magic wand and make bitcoin truly perfect, what would you improve?
Imagine with me a TRULY perfect form of wealth.
For the sake of this discussion, let's call this new wealth "Pearl." I will now attempt to Pearl-Pill you...
Pearl transcends the benefits of bitcoin listed above:
- Utterly immune to theft by any means
- You yourself are your own "impossible to duplicate" private key
- You can't lose your Pearl...
- Pearl is 100% immune to the "$5 wrench attack"
- You and only you control and enjoy your personal Pearl wealth
- Universally accepted (think HyperPearl-ization right from the start)
- Does not deteriorate over time
- Zero counterparty risk
- Can't be compromised, even by threats or torture
- Permanently enjoyable forever
- Doesn't arouse jealousy, because it's universally available on request
- Perfectly fair and even distribution; no whales
I'm Talking About Wealth that HODLs You...!
R. Buckminster "Bucky" Fuller, who popularized the geodesic dome, famously said "Wealth is a measure of a person's ability to survive so many days forward." What if your wealth could guarantee your survival indefinitely? Wouldn't that make you infinitely wealthy?
Imagine being transported into a universe as superior to this one as your present life is superior to the life of a bacterium... Jesus, the God/Man who created this present universe, has promised to renew and restore it to and beyond its original perfection. Better yet, he invites you to follow him as King, and become a permanent participant in this coming, perfected universe. When you pledge your allegiance to Jesus and accept his invitation, you literally become a joint heir of the entire universe with all its unimaginable wealth, and a recipient of a literal, physical, endless life in perfect health.
Jesus Is Making Everything New (source)
When God (who cannot lie) himself is the counterparty, there is no risk...
Jesus describes the ultimate money technology in several places in the bible:
- One of my faves is his "Treasure in the Field" parable. Very recently, a story surfaced describing a man who found a treasure in his own field in Kentucky.
- Then there is the "Pearl of Great Value."
- And "The Lost Coin."
Among other things, Jesus calls this wealth "the food which endures," and "unfailing treasure in heaven", and "money belts which do not wear out", and "true riches". This is the "coin of the realm" in the Kingdom of God. By comparison, all earthly money technologies--including bitcoin--are "riches that perish" and "uncertain riches."
True Wealth is righteousness, joy, and peace in the holy spirit. It is waking up each day with the joyful expectation and wonder of childhood. It is relationships with other men and women of good will who have your back and who you can trust. It is rest from the worry and concern of where your next meal is coming from, and whether it will be poisonous or healthy. Wealth is being free to travel and explore the universe. It is knowing that you are loved and valued, and that you have permanent, immutable, ever-increasing purpose and meaning in life. Wealth is robust health in an eternally youthful body.
What is the best earthly money technology?
Of course it's bitcoin. Bitcoin is honest money. It is the money technology that most closely adheres to the biblical injunction for us to use "honest weights and measures." The first money technology to guarantee issuance permanently limited to 21 million units, bitcoin is digital scarcity. This alone guarantees that the value of everything will continue to deflate in terms of bitcoin from now on.
Put your savings in bitcoin if you want to preserve it. At the very least, get off zero now. But it's even more important to get off zero when it comes putting your most important treasure in the heavens, in Jesus' capable hands. Secure your eternal future.
What's the upshot of all this?
Do you remember those "Choose Your Own Adventure" books? Have you thought about your own ending? Here's what I hope the outcome will be for you, depending on who you are...
No Coiners:
"It may just be time to review my understanding of what "money" is and how it works."
Gold Bugs:
"Could there be something better than gold? Gold from asteroids and from the ocean could impact its value."
Bitcoiners (and everyone else):
"Hmmm... bitcoin may theoretically be eternal, but I'm surely not... Maybe I should extend my time preference horizon and move some of my wealth into eternal form."
For an excellent introduction to Jesus and his claims and promises, may I suggest that you read and seriously consider The Book of Good News that John, Jesus' Ambassador, wrote long ago? It will be well worth your time!
NOTE: Throughout my posts, you may notice hyperlinks like this one that lead to supplemental material. Most images are also hyperlinked. While not essential to the enjoyment of my writing, you may find the linked background information enlightening (or at least mildly interesting).
ALL IMAGES are either my own, derived from open source material, or used with permission.

I would love to hear from you; please join Hive and speak your mind below!
To a bitcoiner, everything else is a sh*tcoin.
To gold bugs and no-coiners, bitcoin is "magic internet money."
I may be a dreamer, but my fond hope is to impart a little truth to each of you, no matter what opinion you may presently hold.
Amen, there is no greater wealth than this! Every moment spent serving mammon, filling up storehouses, buiding more barns, is time away from filling the treasury in Heaven, becoming rich with God, enjoying the decadent food of obedience and righteousness, drinking from the everlasting well.
Hey, Brother @ironshield ,
Good to hear from you.🙏😃
Money, and especially sound, hard money like bitcoin, is a useful tool for advancing Jesus' Kingdom on earth during our lifetime... as long as we recognize it for what it is, use it honestly, and don't allow the "love of" it to cloud our priorities!

From a Kardashev Scale point of view. On which of these seven "Human Type Civilizations" will we be able to mine or generate these Pearl tokens? };)
Thanks, Friend, for sharing the link to this interesting-looking video.
I'll have to watch it before I attempt to answer your question; might take me a bit to "get around to it," but please know that I appreciate your comment here.🙏😀

My pleasure bro. :)
Of course I understand you. For everything we have to take some time to digest things well. So, take as much time as you need. But just know that I'm glad you found the video interesting and it will always be a great pleasure for me to share content of this type with someone with the true ability to digest it.