Do you wonder where you
can get some free bitcoins?
For many of us, the discovery
of Bitcoin is like the
discovery of organic foods.
We can see the benefits of
using them but find it difficult
to justify the cost, and then
there is the risk that we’ll be
getting a bad deal since we
don’t know what we’re doing.
In Bitcoin, it’s like every
organic food store has
someone out front, offering
free samples. Also, there’s a
library everywhere you look,
but only a few of those
libraries have any good
information. The largest
traders would benefit a great
deal if everyone just jumped
blindly into Bitcoin, investing
large chunks of their life
savings in the process. That
would be just fine by them,
but it’s unlikely to happen.
More likely, people are going
to get involved with Bitcoin
either by necessity, by
chance or because someone
was willing to give them a
few bitcoins to get started
Now, before we begin
discussing the places out
there to get free Bitcoin, let’s
just be clear: there is no way
to get wealthy without
working or investing for it. It
is impossible to make an
income in bitcoins or any
other currency just by
clicking around on some
websites. However, that being
said, cryptocurrencies are
unique in that clever
marketers can make a profit
doing exactly that, giving
away money. This would not
be possible in other
currencies, where they simply
can’t be broken down small
enough. The operator will
usually make less than a
penny. If they were forced to
give you a penny or more,
there’d be no way to be
profitable. Getting free
bitcoins is not a way to get
rich, and certainly not the
most profitable use of one’s
time, but if you’ve got some
free time and would like to
pick up a small amount of
extra Bitcoin now and then,
then this definitive guide will
is a great place to start.
- The Blockchain Game
Since our last publishing of
this guide, perhaps the most
fun way to earn free bitcoins,
Bitcoin Flapper, has gone by
the wayside. The company
which operated it no longer
do, and appears to only
operate iPhone apps with
various titles that don’t seem
to pay out in bitcoins. Other
options in the Google Play
Store have arisen to fill the
void. Chief among them is
the Blockchain Game. You
sign up with a two-step sign-
up process which involves
giving over your e-mail
address and then your Bitcoin
The game pays out once per
week. It’s important to note
that like most free games, the
Blockchain Game has a lot of
advertisements. This is how
they are able to afford to pay
others. In one sense, Bitcoin
faucets and free Bitcoin
games could be seen as a
method of advertising profit
Playing the Blockchain game
is fun, challenging, and mildly
addictive. The frequent
interruptions by advertising
are, of course, less than
ideal, but a necessary evil.
Gameplay involves getting to
the top level, which has the
highest reward. One has to
assume that this is based on
skill and that the maximum
reward is simply the most the
company behind it, free
Bitcoin veterans Bitcoin
Aliens, is willing to pay out
for one game.
Getting to only the first level
is easy, but each level after
that requires that you place
the block directly above the
previous level. This can be
difficult because the block
moves on its own and it
moves faster with each level.
Every ten levels, you get the
option to cash out or go
further. Here’s what
gameplay looks like:
As you can see in the last
screengrab, if you fail to
place a block, you get the
option to continue for
watching a short ad.