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RE: ViaBTC starts trading BitcoinCash BCC (Possible split chain of BTC)

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Just a heads up.
User @ancap47 downvotes everyone that doesn't agree with him in here, thus removing comments and eliminating any discussion.

Everyone that raises question if this 100% China controlled version of Bitcoin is really the answer for scalling problems have his comment removed (downvoted) here. If you wish to know more, please feel free to check:

If you don't agree, no problem, just make a comment, but please don't censorship the discussion. It's not China.


This post received a 4.3% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @cardboard! For more information, click here!

Shills get censored on this forum. Don't like it? Invest more than $100.

Censor the post above;)