The title is a bit of a trick question, because of the way the bitcoin block reward gets smaller is asymptotically, meaning it gets close to zero but never touches. However it will get small enough and close enough to zero where if the price wont be able to support miners anymore so they will have to rely almost entirely on transaction fees.

This idea is a big part of why many miners wanted to increase the block size rather than work on second level solutions, primarily because if things go the way of level two solutions, transaction fees will be much smaller. If people use the lightning network and have 10 transactions, most likely they will only actually settle on chain a single time. When you have invested hundreds of millions into the mining business, you have to work towards a future that keeps you relevant.
The big problem many people are afraid of is if the profit isn’t there for miners to continue to secure the network. More likely than not mining will become sort of a utility where people are making at cost or very miniscule amounts of money providing hashpower. Just like today, those who have the cheapest electricity are really going to be the only ones who can compete, but companies might run miners at a cost just to support the network as well. Also as the technology and mining chips get smaller, they also tend to use up less electricity so we might see miners that are very cheap to run.

Right now miners have a oligopoly on mining equipment, but as time goes on that wont be the case Once you hit the smallest nanometer tech available today, you wont have to worry about your miner being replaced in a year and you can make large investments. Also mining companies might simply pivot to those selling the shovels instead of mining the gold just out of necessity. In a perfect world this is the case, because if miners have too much power, users end up getting hurt.
So when we get to a level where almost all the coins have been mined and mining must rely on transactions fees to survive, I suspect we will see a big shift in who actually runs the mining hardware and what kind of services are being offered. It wont happen all at once, every block halving we will start to see these changes take place.

Thanks to @Elyaque for the badges
it won't go to zero, which is why you are paying mining fees for transactions..
@malekalmsaddi why is there so much confusion around this topic? I am glad you have pointed it out because this seems to be a point people keep missing!
I really don’t know, people are buying into crypto just because it’s trending.. they really know nothing about it
In the future, it is expected that the method of mining will change according to progress of the computer, and furthermore the system of the cryptographic currency itself will be improved, or even the emergence of even superior currency could be possible.
In any case, the current situation of BTC should change.
good blog, following you @calaber24p
The US government will have taken over the entire sector long before that happens. If you think world governments and banks will let this little experiment interfere with their plans for financial domination of the world, you are sorely mistaken.
Scumbag Jamie Dimon makes one statement and Bitcoin takes a 20% plunge. What do you think is going to happen when the IRS puts it's jackboot down and closes down Coinbase (or at least regulates the sh#& out of it) not to mention any number of alphabet soup government organizations decides to weigh in?
Have fun now. BTC's days are numbered.
Miners will always get the reward from transactions fees after new coins cease to be created. Also, a drop in hashing power will make mining easier which will just bring back miners in a cycle. But of coarse, like anything else, only the most effeccient miner will have long term success. Inefficiency is always weeded out in this world.
Agreed, but if we are primarily only using the main bitcoin layer as a settlement one, large mining operations might choose to downsize, or more likely sell the equipment that might make the purchaser an roi over a period of years. With tinier nanometer technology being the future, there is only so small we can go for the time being before tech advancements end up taking place over 5 or so years rather than in a few months. Think of gaming console generations and the time between them.
Isn´t that supposed to happen only in 2040? Would not care about it now, too many things will happen before that :)
no it's not supposed to happen in 2040, i think you are talking about the date of ending of block issuance, which is 2140 & not 2040..
however, the mining won't stop then, i think it will cost more for transactions and that's it..
Yeah it wont happen for a long time, but the starting effects of going towards zero will be seen heavily with in the next 2-3 halvings which isnt that far away.
I may hope that by that time Bitcoin is outpassed in its market cap ^^
There is a matemathical model to predic when it will be near zero?
Yes you can see it here
I looked into bitcoin mining and it looks like it's already at the point where it's not profitable. Also, it's a waste of electricity and tech that does nothing but mine bitcoin. I think because of this wastefull nature, it won't be pretty when it gets to the point you describe. They'll just have to convert to steem before it happens! lol nice post
Yeah for you as an individual, but for the companies who can manufacture the equipment or those who can purchase in large quantities at low levels, really have to think about the cost of electricity as the biggest input. Mining is centralized in China because for the moment they are getting extremely cheap electricity rates.
Yeah, electricity costs do play a huge role in this. Maybe one good thing that will come out of it is increasingly more efficient and cheaper ways to get electricity.
My suspicion is that:
1.) The price of Bitcoin will skyrocket by that point, making even small amounts highly profitable for sha256 miners who are still mining Bitcoin.
2.) The concentration of miners will diversify to other cryptos that are looking to take advantage of the high amount of sha256 mining power that is now available and interested in mining new currencies.
3.) Electricity prices will plummet as new power sources are developed and discovered.
I'm not worried about it all.
By then, the price will have risen so much that small amounts of btc plus fees should be enough. Maybe less people will mine. We only need enough to run the chain.
Maybe, but the price of btc would have to be enormous, too large in my opinion to function.
You dont think that the fees would increase it enough? It might be better to have it less profitable, we will have less miners competing.
Wow! I just get good tips about mining from your post, nice post pal. And a good write up
It's good to go over this scenario now, it's quite interesting to think what would happen when the balance of power shifts in the network.
Looks like you answered the question pretty well :)
Is there is few miners, there is bigger rewards for those few... also, the higher the BTC price goes, the higher the reward, even if it little, it is enough because BTC price is high...
So i am really not worried about that, also when the time comes, there is going to be enough alternate blockchains and altcoins to rely on, and computer power will be enough for anyone to mine even for little reward... Things will change, this technology is here to stay and there is nothing that can stop it...
Another really thoughtful article. Thanks @calaber24p. I'm not as technical as the majority of people on here, my knowledge is limited as to what to expect from the future but as I hear and experience things it's amazing and scary at the same time.
Plus all these predictions and timelines are based on the fact that we as the human race haven't self destructed by then don't forget!
In a way, you can look at this as incentivizing the progression of technology (creating more efficient hardware for the solving of more complex mathematical problems, synonymous with technological progression). Kinda cool to think about!
With that in mind, I can see POW staying viable for a large chunk of time, but I still believe that DPOS chains will be the technology that really takes hold and makes the most prospective use cases a reality.
Flagged. Eat shit.
well good points u raised.. we have to think about it
Big mining was never the idea in the first place, just having wallets open on the system is enough and the intent from the start. Having thousands of dedicated computers grinding away looking for coins is BS to me and a huge waste of electricity to boot. That's why I like the steem distribution system, it's not perfect and open to abuses but not on the level of BTC. Good people will come along and invent a better version of cypto.
A de-centralized and transparent government would stop most of the corruption humans suffer.
What if we all were rewarded for participating in Government decisions through a simular voting system as steem employs. We would no longer need representatives only a few to implement the peoples will.
@calaber24p Thank you for your work, I invite you to evaluate my work.
Amazing that this end game was at least considered right from the start, as bitcoin was being established. End result is obvious, if transaction fees have to go up to keep the miners interested, then that is the outcome a free market will produce.
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Please, let me now about your decision in return message 😉
It is hypothetical..But still if it happens, then there will be no miners. So no new blocks can be new bitcoins..this will increase the demand and price of bitcoin will shoot up..which will again bring back miners to work.
possibly switch to pos and become another staker
I just got good ideas for mining - wow - that´s good
This not possible as if you read the concept on which Bitcoin runs then it is not possible. As fees is going to be the NEXT way to reward people. So, I don’t think it makes a difference when the mining rewards become lesser, as there are still many other ways and Bitcoin was always meant to be that way, eventually.
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