he manifested his reality into existence by being ahead of the curve learning about crypto currency and hes always been into this online money stuff!
VERY cool to hear about paypal back in thee early days!
Man yeah this is pretty cool hahahahah really cool to hear about x.com and paypal and stuff
hahah paypal still owes me $3000 they let someone take from my accont theyll never give ME back haha whatever
but yeah fuck them its all about the new shit! fuck centralized systems!
The NEXT thing Craig should be planning is finding the developers and smart engineers who can build a BLOCKCHAIn replacement form GOOGLE Gmail and Adsense ...it shouldn't be that difficult! COuld be built on EOS and it just has to be used by a lot of people, and it can actually UTILIZE google, like a system that just uses google and learns from it untill it can take off and become even smarter, a decetrallized AI grid, way better way smarter than Google could EVER get bbevause our system will be a turing complete blokchain like etheereum where we can get many many exo hash versus whatever googles biggest data centers are...and google cant compete with a decentralized netwwork they will not be able to afford it
Decentralized Blockchain Google Gmail Adsense...Yup I cant be the first to have thought of that, the idea thinks of itsslf and the programs write themselves basically....
its kind of funny how this is all happening, llike "Bllockchain all the things" basically....
just make everything blockchain....internet of things is obsolete already, there will be smart ddust, you will have wireless power and hdmi and theyll have a raspberry pi but the size of a piece of dust that can float aroound in the air, so theyll always vbe a little bblockchain ethereum or eos node to connect to any sensor anywhere
the whole nanotech thing seems to have been MORE popular like ten years ago than it even is now!
We should all be checking physorg.com for the best science news and we should be checking up on nanotech because NANOcoinwill be HUGE! nanotech coin! also Miccrofilm and micro printed QR codes using cheap $40 Laser Engraers you can buy online SUPER cheap its just a basic printer with a laser on it an it engraves whatever you want like a black and white image, and it can do QR cods VERY VERY small so small you cant actually see them withiut a microscope, this would be a GREAt way to hide cold storage paper wallets, u can evenlaser engrave a quartz crystal or something that wold be awesome , i posted about thata ctualy showed a laser engraved QR code quartz crytsla
LOOK AT THIS u canactually laser Etch a Microscopic QR coce onto a DIAMOND and keep it in a pill, hahah,
agree...he is an inspiration!
he manifested his reality into existence by being ahead of the curve learning about crypto currency and hes always been into this online money stuff!
VERY cool to hear about paypal back in thee early days!
Man yeah this is pretty cool hahahahah really cool to hear about x.com and paypal and stuff
hahah paypal still owes me $3000 they let someone take from my accont theyll never give ME back haha whatever
but yeah fuck them its all about the new shit! fuck centralized systems!
The NEXT thing Craig should be planning is finding the developers and smart engineers who can build a BLOCKCHAIn replacement form GOOGLE Gmail and Adsense ...it shouldn't be that difficult! COuld be built on EOS and it just has to be used by a lot of people, and it can actually UTILIZE google, like a system that just uses google and learns from it untill it can take off and become even smarter, a decetrallized AI grid, way better way smarter than Google could EVER get bbevause our system will be a turing complete blokchain like etheereum where we can get many many exo hash versus whatever googles biggest data centers are...and google cant compete with a decentralized netwwork they will not be able to afford it
Decentralized Blockchain Google Gmail Adsense...Yup I cant be the first to have thought of that, the idea thinks of itsslf and the programs write themselves basically....
its kind of funny how this is all happening, llike "Bllockchain all the things" basically....
just make everything blockchain....internet of things is obsolete already, there will be smart ddust, you will have wireless power and hdmi and theyll have a raspberry pi but the size of a piece of dust that can float aroound in the air, so theyll always vbe a little bblockchain ethereum or eos node to connect to any sensor anywhere
the whole nanotech thing seems to have been MORE popular like ten years ago than it even is now!
We should all be checking physorg.com for the best science news and we should be checking up on nanotech because NANOcoinwill be HUGE! nanotech coin! also Miccrofilm and micro printed QR codes using cheap $40 Laser Engraers you can buy online SUPER cheap its just a basic printer with a laser on it an it engraves whatever you want like a black and white image, and it can do QR cods VERY VERY small so small you cant actually see them withiut a microscope, this would be a GREAt way to hide cold storage paper wallets, u can evenlaser engrave a quartz crystal or something that wold be awesome , i posted about thata ctualy showed a laser engraved QR code quartz crytsla
LOOK AT THIS u canactually laser Etch a Microscopic QR coce onto a DIAMOND and keep it in a pill, hahah,
best way to keepa QR code!
Very interesting thoughts, i will check out the site.