This is an interesting view, but there are many more knowns in this equation.
Crypto-currencies will be the money of the future, just because it is that much better. And there is immense pressure right now for better money.
So, bitcoin will become the new world exchange currency... unless something better comes along. (and something better will come along, but it is actually more dimensional. Money measures one attribute. While exchanges actually involve multiple attributes. The future money will cover that)
Light is winning, and so the dark is going to find themselves thrust into the light. Corruption will demand transparency. And crypto-currencies fit that application in the money arena. So there are forces that are moving energies on this planet, and their direction is toward crypto-currencies.
This adds up to lot of money is going to get moved into cryptos. And that means a lot higher prices. Or exchanges from fiat going no bid.
Agreed. More or less, digital money tokens, much like today without the paper counterpart. All banks are moving that way.
There is no logical continuation that goes from "crypto-currencies will be the money of the future" to the "Bitcoin will become the new world currency". Because government issue crypto is a much better alternative for most people.
3 companies control most of Bitcoin. I don't see how "light" is winning. Actually crypto is one of the darkest, scamiest places in finance.
I should clarify, that i meant
bitcoin will be the world reserve currency.
Basically, no one will use it but govern-cements swapping trade deficits.
The US$ is far darker and scamier.
The NYSE is estimated to be trading 5 shares for every existing share, that's pretty scammy.
I do not feel that bitcoin will be the savior.
It is just the exit.
It is one reason i like litecoin. The took bitcoin, fixed a few things, and then restarted.
BUT!! just the transparency of transactions, in block-chain, is a giant leap for mankind.