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RE: Who created Bitcoin? Hint: It's not who you think...

in #bitcoin8 years ago

Just to sweeten the pot let me stir in a broader viewpoint of there being a continuing struggle in our world of duality between the polarities of positive-negative, light -dark, good-bad, or whatever you may wish to picture it. That being said, let us now consider the oft cited matter in the internet that just a few people in the world own more wealth than the combined wealth of the 99% of the people on earth today. Is this not a polarity of a very few defeating, overpowering or enslaving the whole of mankind? Would bitcoin now possibly be a backlash or a counterattack from the other side or the bigger group? Then let us consider that bitcoin is out of reach of the few people who own more than 99% of the wealth of the world. Out of reach of governments and even the banks that stole the weallh of the people of the world. Should it now be time for ascendancy of the people of the world? Freedom for awakening human kind? Throwing off the yoke of slavery and getting rid of pain, suffering and misery that has been our lot through history?