Elon Musk RUNNING to Crypto / Bitcoin interest explodes :D

in #bitcoin6 years ago

Elon musk : “Paper money is going away" - will major CEOs bring about a change in how the public sees Bitcoin? Recently price movements have exploded the interest for Bitcoin on both Google and Baidu!
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I'm not a professional financial adviser and you should always do your own research. I may hold the cryptocurrencies talked about in the video.
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Bitcoin is our future. Thanks for sharing the valuable video and upcoming events.

Posted using Partiko Android

When can I buy a Tesla with Bitcoin?

Posted using Partiko iOS

good video and very well explained, the bitcoin will go up a lot for some months, thanks for your input.

welcome back to steem...

Paper money is going. We have already seen a massive shift with contactless payments and we should see another jump with crypto.

Posted using Partiko Android