Now real question is: how many of those 2bil facebook users would actually use libra? Why people assume that almost 100% of their userbase would.
sure there will not be that much as 100% but it could get viral.
I would be surprissed if more than 5-10% would ever try Libra. Majority FB users do not use anything but messanger. MAjority FB users do not trust Facebook any more. Whoever I talk to says the same: I would never use Libra and I do not trust FB.
You may be right here. I think FB is going down and i never was into it. I don't trust this guy "Zuck" but the most FB users are not this critical.
My impression is, that the hardest part of attracting attention on STEEMIT is the fact, that our audience have very little chance to actually find our publications. Lack of solid notification system is an obvious issue.
I totaly agree.
Please allow me to share some suggestion with you. If you would ever publish content related to blockchain, crypto, artificial intelligence, psychology etc. then perhaps you could simply send me memo with link to that post.
I get your point. I may be try out to bring out a memo to you. But i can't send special memos on regular basis out due to lack of time. I surely appreciate your upvotes and comments.
Hi @blockchainnerd
I'm personally not sure if the rest is not that critical. I'm moving around a lot and I talked with tons of different people about facebook and their libra. And all I could hear is: I would never trust facebook with my money.
Even people having little to do with blockchain, regular people having regular jobs seem to know that facebook is selling their data and their trust is very limited.
Of course time will tell.
Absolutely. However I would suggest to create an excel sheet with all your most supportive followers. And every now and then (not to often), whenever you would like to promote some publication - just send mass memos to all those people.
That would help. I'm sure it must be heartbreaking to see that your quality work doesn't attract much attention.
Yours, Piotr
You know how some people are when they talk this and do other. Most people do not care about their privacy anymore and if a payment app is easy to use they will do it even if they know their data is sold to the gov and institutions.
i need to look into this. right now i have no clue how to send a mass memo.
hi @blockchainnerd
Check out this useful tool: