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RE: Will Cryptocurrencies Make Governments and Central Banks Obsolete?

in #bitcoin7 years ago

My husband heard a conspiracy theory that the Chinese and Trump are working together to get Crypto the new accepted currency and to overthrow the banking system. It's a bit out there, as far as theories go, and I didn't listen to the video, but the guy apparently had a bunch of explanations as to why he thought this and what "proof" he had gathered and what not. I joked that maybe the Russians were also involved. I mean, who knows at this point. A theory is a theory and it's itneresting that this is out there and people are talking about it. Regardless whether any of it is true or not, the game is on, crypto is on the up, and banks are afraid.

I'm not opposed to the theory if it is true, if it means crypto becomes the new norm. I'm not alarmed byt he theory or freaked out by it either, which is a good sign, since usually theories freak me out. I'm amused by it, to say the least, that's for sure. Anything is possible.


Trump is a zionist puppet and the Chinese are making deals with the zionists - the chances of jacob rotchild not already having control of Bitcoin are not that great - I'm riding Bitcoin up but I'm not kidding myself that Bitcoin is for some future good - it's so I can make a shitload of $ and hopefully reinvest it in a currency that works against the new world order

I've heard about Zionism and there are theories about certain people herre in Quebec being Zionists and what not. I'm not as informed as my husband is, but he's keeping himself informed as well, just in case, just to know.

Yes Canada is zionist owned and run by one of the most obvious zionist puppets in the world...

That does not surprise me, somehow.