Vaultoro has been stable for the past three years. But I cannot guarantee they will always be.
If you wanted to use my method you could limit your risk like this:
- Use 50% of your savings to buy bitcoin and 50% to buy gold.
- Put 80% of your Bitcoin into a secure offline storage device or cold wallet.
- Take delivery of 80% of your gold.
- With the remaining 20% of the Bitcoin and 20% of the gold, use Vaultoro to trade to balance the portfolios.
Using that method, you keep 80% of your savings under your control. You are only risking the 20% used to trade. When you do the trading number, count the gold and bitcoin under your control as part of the total portfolio. Does that make sense to you?
You can get your physical gold from Vaultoro? isn't it against most of countries law to personally store gold? and how they send it over to me without taxes, with post?
I have not tested the delivery feature. But they explain it here:
Hey, just wanted to say thank you. I used this service today to protect the deflation of my bitcoin holding. Crazy market haha
But you do not need gold from Vaultoro to keep 80% offline. You could obtain physical gold from any source. If it is illegal in your country, you could open a box at as an example.