Binance goes down

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Well with the craziness that is going on with tron it has appeared to stop Binance in its tracks. I am curious what this will do to the price as I was actively trading during the crash. Leave a comment on other exchanges working with tron if you are still up and running. I will try and post an update if I notice Binance is back in action.

After further research this might actually just be regular maintenance with no cause for concern.
It was an update here was there last notice ~~~ embed:948766647048839168 the update is taking longer then they planned no eta on completion yet. twitter metadata:YmluYW5jZV8yMDE3fHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL2JpbmFuY2VfMjAxNy9zdGF0dXMvOTQ4NzY2NjQ3MDQ4ODM5MTY4IHRoZSB1cGRhdGUgaXMgdGFraW5nIGxvbmdlciB0aGVuIHRoZXkgcGxhbm5lZCBubyBldGEgb24gY29tcGxldGlvbiB5ZXQufA== ~~~
Final Edit:
Binance is now live again!