In my attempts to keep learning I watched a lot of DASH videos y-day, including one from this summer when her and the founder were speaking in Atlanta -- about an hour's worth ~ on that one --
She started off by explaining how in 2013, she knew nothing about Crypto and Jeffrey Tucker sent her some, like $20 or so and it sat in her wallet bc she was scared of it and did not understand it. LOL
It reminded me of my talks with you as of late about things, about being a Noob and learning etc.
yeah, I fantasize about making teaching videos as good as Amanda, but I'm more like Amanda's insane mother who is bombarded with too many ideas, and ends up just giving up on something rational, and makes this instead:
Yes, that is random lol. Maybe Amanda will give you lessons on the weekends from her RV lol
Hey, I really appreciate you recognizing my post's value. That means a lot! Everyone starts out as a noob, it's what we decide to do about it that counts!
It is my pleasure. I have enjoyed all our talks and your input on things and support after I got over my initial fear of talking to you as a whale to my Minnow status as you know LOL
Successful Donation Report for @theprophet0 is just out --