Concatenated systems

in #bitcoin6 years ago (edited)


Unlike classical mathematics, which does not allow to go beyond its calculation horizon. In a calculation system by characterization and quantification we can calculate any state or possible variation of a subsystem based on its properties. In order to execute the above we would have to first define or try to resolve the rules or laws that govern in that system.

Since subsystems share characteristics that inherit from the initial system or genesis, it is possible mathematically speaking to move forward or backward from a value or expression (n). The primary system or genesis dictates the rules of interaction and defines the (walls) or edge of it. Call system wall or edge, the two states in which it can not advance or backtrack using its own rules without generating a new system.

For example, in a non-linear numerical system the number of greatest coherence would be (9) and the highest Incoherence would be (1). from the above it follows that it is possible even by a linear method to extract information of an expression with value (9) but not one with value (1). This is because the expression of higher value (9) can contain each and every one of the different values up to (1).

Then we can define that both expressions are our system edges. When trying to decompose the two previous expressions we find that:

(1) = 1
(9) = 1 +8, 2 + 7, 3 + 6 and 5 + 4.

This is so by applying a linear procedure of simplified integer decomposition. It is also possible to obtain the initial expression (9) from other operations such as *, ^, - + or / these last operations use different combinations of compute but in summary interact with the numerical expressions contained in the original system (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)

Then and following the rules pattern of our system (universe), which we do not create, but rather we are a subsystem of this. It follows that the primary expression would be (9) not (1), since it contains each of the elements necessary to characterize each subsystem until it obtains own identity different from the rest of the other components of it. That is to say a subsystem reaching its greatest incoherence is defined as such, after which any interaction with other components creates a new subsystem.

For example, if we take two oranges as a test subject and split one in half, then the conventional or linear expression is that we have an integer and two halves and if we associate the whole part with one of those halves we would have a fractional or floating point expression. In a model mathematical characterization and quantification we would have three (3) subsystems, of which two (2) obtained by the division of a previous system. In this way we could not say that we have a system and half (1/2) but two subsystems with different properties, of which one inherits some properties of the genesis system that originated it (flavor, color, taste, etc.) and provides properties of same (volume, shape weight (morphology)) which makes it differ from its environment.

Operations containing zero (0) and (.) Are used to satisfy requirements dictated by the rules of the subsystem (society), not those of the original system that contains it. Therefore and for practical purposes, it does not matter the number of times or the complexity of the operational mathematical mode of content subsystem. This will always be governed by the rules of the original system. On the contrary all mathematical expression is lacking in logic in the physical (tangible) world.

And it would be extremely complex to deceive or convince the different subsystems of the same (population) that the value of a certain expression corresponds to the reality of environment (2 coconuts + 2 coconuts are not equal to 5 coconuts) this from the point of view of numeric value expression. In finance and other aberrations they can be what the owner of that subsystem decides.

Any expression beyond the system edge is considered a replica or fractal of the original system. Thus: regardless of the number of digits that contain a numeric expression, this he inherits genesis system properties.

Analyzing the way of interaction between the different components of a system we can deduce the rules of the same and those of each of the different components or expressions. Then each one of these expressions you print or transfer those properties to the next subsystem.

In the encryption systems used in digital platforms tell (firmware, hardware and software) are used different protocols or encryption standards, which seek to hinder or obstruct any form of regression to the initial expression and (or) an expression that causes a system collision. There are endless methods to encrypt information, which they use different mathematical operators to mask or hide the original information or expression.

Because these are governed by the rules of the original system or genesis (this is the universe in which was conceived or created said subsistence) and for practical purposes and in our case only exist 9 rules, of which two define the edge of it, then we have 7 intrinsic expressions of said system with its respective rules and interactions and the interaction of these with the edges of the same.

So it is not difficult to deduce that the greater the output expression length (string), the greater the information contained in it. This property is the one used in cryptography since being the extensive string and its initial unknown values, as well as being the result of different operations mathematics in a linear environment would be extremely difficult to calculate the original expressions or same.

From the point of view of quantification and characterization, the previous statement is inverse, since a the most efficient and fastest output chain is the reversal algorithm. To achieve the above, must characterize and quantify the properties of the system to study in order to determine the rules that govern the same and then proceed to obtain its different expressions.

Given that this method allows to compute any expression of structured language, it can be deduced that it affects the entire technological ecosystem.

The technology and its different applications are easily accepted and quickly implemented but it is in difficult from the social point of view to survive in a dysfunctional environment and lacking the same. An event of this nature causes the decomposition of the social fabric of the different layers of power because that society can not function in the way it was conceived. Yes it is true that adaptive or corrective measures can be implemented. The curve of implementation of them requires more time than a system in that state requires to move to its highest level of inconsistency.

This would be a condition 1, because the different rules of that system (society) continue to interact with the different subsystems (governments, companies, population, etc.) the system is forced to reach its highest state of incoherence causing this the creation of a new system moving beyond the previous edge or a state of incoherence close to 1 in which previous social and power structures would not have the capacity to influence and therefore they would lose their power and capacity.

Similarly, if we apply these rules in the context of semiconductors, we understand that These are composed of natural elements and given their nature of operation. It contains a brief state in which they behave as a dielectric or as a conductive. If in that state that only lasts periods of very short times injects the code (frequency) appropriate in quantity and order these would jump permanently to one of the two states mentioned above.

From the practical point of view in a dielectric state this would cause the device to malfunction container and in the case of the conductive state would be destructive to itself and to the environment of the hardware. Since these devices are contained in a subsystem part of the genesis system, it is possible to affect them even when there is no physical contact with them.

This last example differs from the previous one in that the first only affects the order or structure social and the second its capacity for recovery.

The toxicity of this issue is not that (humanity) is sitting on a soap bubble, this is what regarding technology. The dangerous thing here is that that bubble climbed too fast.

The fall is proportional to the height.

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