Who is Satoshi Nakamato? (Founder of Bitcoin)

in #bitcoin8 years ago


Who is the founder of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamato really? Is it a man that was born in 1975 in Japan? Is it a woman who crypto Bitcoin? Nobody really knows if it's even one person, but what we do know is that Bitcoin's code first came into fruition in 2007, so 10 years ago. Then the whitepapers were published in 2008 and in 2009 it went live in January. And now look where Bitcoin is at! It's nearly hit $3,000 at its Peak and some people are predicting it to hit $5,000 once we get past the SegWit update.

Truthfully no one really knows where Bitcoin will go or who the person/group behind the coin is, but it doesn't matter. This is the future. Our kids will be surrounded by cryptocurrencies and now is the time to make good money.

"Satoshi Nakamoto is the name used by the unknown person or persons who designed bitcoin and created its original reference implementation. As part of the implementation, he also devised the first blockchain database."

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All the people who were currently suspected of being Satoshi Nakamoto have denied it

they probably have millions of bitcoin stashed in a wallet somewhere

the legend says "Satoshi" whoever it is, has 1 million bitcoins, and with them at $4500 now they hold around 4,500,000,000$ so are not very poor :)

Interesting, hold and hope in btc

the hindu God "KUBARA"

there we gooo, lots of monayyy

I believe the real Satoshi Nakamato - is a very rich person - or a hired hand... who wanted to shake up the credit card monopolys-

Hopefully a very wealthy man (or woman) living a quiet life :)

its not me :)

Sure :P

best...... best

wow, what a thoughtful comment

Hey avilsd its me Space Dawg from your live stream!!! :)


Great video! Love the new channel! Please keep it up!


thanks for the info...upvoted and followed you back



The thing that interests me is that Satoshi, whoever they are, has millions sitting around in coin but is able to leave it untouched.

That tells me something: either they were already wealthy with a quite separate income stream which made cashing in not an issue or, Satoshi is some group of people or Governmental/other agency where it is likewise not an issue.

It's odd because Satoshi's White Paper and expressed views seem to be written by someone who is very interested in wealth creation from the standpoint of someone not already wealthy or a member of the elite.... which goes against those two points. Weird.

Or they're just afraid of taxes, government bodies or some gangs hurting them. Never will know

its doesn't​ matter who he is,​ but thanks to him for finding best of best BITCOIN

Without it, what would we do?

There has been speculation that Charlie Lee, the founder of Litecoin is Satoshi .

Supposedly but Charlie has denied it multiple times

Whoever he is, THANK YOU Satoshi Nakamoto


informative. i liked the video
Kubara is the hindu god of rich - money

Of course ;) Thats why I loved the name so much, GOD KING

Cool post. Thanks for sharing!

Thank you :)

I heard it was some Australian guy. Bitcoin was just a more efficient way for intelligence agencies to spread their drugs like the plague. Darkweb is arguably to blame for the fentanyl crisis here in Canada. I was ordering large trafficking amounts of heroin back when Bitcoin was 5 usd each its 100 percent run by the government. People need to stop and ask themselves where TOR came from. These people have the backdoor to everything.

i saw donald trump twitted that he is satoshi nakamoto

Totally ;)

Great info!

Thank you for coming and reading :)


Thanks for coming over

Could it me me? Naaaaaa


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 8 years ago  Reveal Comment
