"99% of all ICOs use Telegram as a channel to interact with their communities. This means that we can measure the strength of ICO communities by measuring how big these ICO Telegram groups are."
That was true until recently, when ICOs started to make it mandatory to join their TG channel - for example to get an airdrop or even being able to register for an ICO. What I´m trying to say here is, that the number of TG group members are pushed to its max and making this a less valid marker for the quality of interest that is has been in the past.
That is the goal for any company that wants to build their social media presence on any platform. They have do sometimes use incentives to do so. Regardless if the high membership number isn't "active" daily users they still give the total number and to someone on the outside it looks like a happening spot. Generally, I find that the numbers match the popularity or hype anyway.
However, point taken: the market may not be as accurate or truthful today as it was last year.
Thanks for your comment!