4 reasons to make etherium better than betcoin

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Battle of Technology

Many people take the impression that the currency of the Betquin is the best in comparison to all the platforms of other currencies, whether currencies or digital assets. Bitquin is one of the first major encryption currencies that have existed for almost 9 years now. Atheromium is a very new currency platform launched a few years ago. In addition, the etherium compared to the bitquin offers some very interesting technological facts. The platform is based on smart contracts, a revolutionary new technology, and it can also be part of the Pitcairn platform. The etherium is also more technologically intelligent while the bitquin is not quite sound and lacks decentralized applications. This makes etherium better than bitquin, but etherium is technologically sound.

Number of coins available from the currency

Since etherium is a relatively new platform, a large number of coins are still available, compared to the more rare ones. Bitquin is known to have a 21-million-pound display cap, and etherium has around 92 million coins traded. People tend to overlook the fact that they will remain an inflationary currency, and claim that this actually does not matter. As the etherium is the only currency without a ceiling cap for the present. Although bitquin is the best in this respect, however, in terms of availability and currency display, this is certainly more in the currency of etherium, which can be described as better.

Help Athirium in fundraising with maximum impact

The ethrium-based donation platform is becoming increasingly popular as it is a great way to donate and collect donations. This platform helps to maximize demand through economically stimulating efforts. This fundraising platform is a boon to fundraising and promotions, as fundraising and fundraising are done at no extra cost, which is what charities focus on. As well as all non-profit efforts that can be easily expanded.

The etherium platform works on a motivational incentive mechanism where the self-interest of users is mixed with social interest and the simplest solutions are provided for complex problems, so social work also becomes stable and culturally. The Atherom platform also makes donations safe and open so that all customers can see and audit, and the platform ensures that money goes to its intended beneficiaries and thus fraud is completely eliminated. Making the platform useful for those who need help.

On the other hand, Betcquin is a decentralized global currency that allows a person to send money to another person without third party intervention such as the bank. All you need is a computer to do the deal. Pitcullen works on block chain technology which is one of the most accurate and secure protection systems.


Both betquin and etherium are both beneficial. Both have contributed to significant gains in value over the past year. If you compare Pitcuen with etherium, the rate of gain is less in the Betquin. Although the Betquin coin was created before the etherium, its value has increased steadily over the past two years, and the ethium coin has seen a significant increase in value in just a few years. Where their values ​​have risen before and surpassed Betquin (through the relative percentage increase). Its value has recently rebounded over the past year and it is assumed that this will continue, and progress will continue over the years as well.
The price of the etherium is linked to the price of the betquin. It depends on one another. When the price of the betcin rises, the price of the etherium decreases and vice versa. When the value of the Betquin decreases, the value of the atom rises automatically. These values ​​are usually interrelated and correct themselves when other currencies do. Since the bitcoin is an old currency platform, it is certainly more stable, while etherium is still trying to be more stable. It is still a new platform. Atherosclerosis also depends on Bitquin and its actions, as do other currency platforms. Although bitquin and etherium are not very different from each other, etherium has gained speed and momentum slowly, except that both currencies exist for good. Which one is actually the best?


I agree with you..