Happy Bitcoin Pizza Day 2018!!

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Well, those 2 Papa John's (or was it Domino's) pizzas that originally had cost 10,000 BTC back in 2009 are now worth ~$81,571,300 USD. Back then I imagine that they were worth about ~$25 total. That would be ~$0.0025 each (less than 1 US penny). Imagine that...just shy of $49Million/slice :P

It's hard to calculate the value of Bitcoin in 2009, because it wasn't yet trading on exchanges. I grabbed this information from https://www.buybitcoinworldwide.com/price/.

How Much was 1 Bitcoin Worth in 2009?

Bitcoin was not traded on any exchanges in 2009. Its first recorded price was in 2010. Technically, Bitcoin was worth $0 in 2009 during its very first year of existence!

How Much was 1 Bitcoin Worth in 2010?

Bitcoin's price never topped $1 in 2010! Its highest price for the year was just $0.39!

It's nice to see some light hearted news about Bitcoin for a change today. Seems like most the news lately has been about bans, regulation and how it's "rat poison".

Here's Bitcoin in the media today:





So there ya go! Happy Bitcoin Pizza Day everyone! So awesome that this was the first recorded transaction with Bitcoin.


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But Bitcoin wouldn't be worth anything today if people didn't use it for everyday purchases!

Rat poison? Hahahaha.

Oh well, this kind of news remind us how far we've gone in just less than a decade.

Could you imagine the regrets you would have making that purchase? I bet it seemed like a victory at the time turning nothing into tasty pie.

I just regret not buying ETH in the spring of last year when told. Small regret compared to that one.

Now, I can get a $25 (CAD) pizza for .0024 BTC!

Bitcoin was worth $0 in 2009 during its very first year of existence!

i wish i could go back in a time machine and buy millions of bitcoins, i would have been a millionaire today 😂

We all do bro

Well, if there was a time machine? You wouldn't see anyone around again in 2018.

How expensive! Woww... And at the same time, I'm salivating for it.
Hmmmm 2009 till now is a long time... We dont expect things to be as rosy as it was then. But all the same...Happy Bitcoin Pizza Day

if they hold it today they were the richest but no one knows about tomorrow will be what happened, Happy pizza day

Really nice

Big things often have modest beginnings!

A very big change in such a short time. Can only hope to see Steem flying up :)

Whoa, look at price!

Only telepathy would be able to do real gain at that time if anyone really had it.

Cant wait for 10 years and we will be doing posts like this, but about EOS and on Steemit2.0, haha. Good to put things in perspective like this, its so easy to get caught up in the daily price action.
Also thank you for your contributions so far to my Steemit journey, I made a intoducemyself post today, check it out.

Nice diversion. And let’s not forget the value of the forked coins as well! Without doing the math I’m guessing that gets is close to 100m.

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