I was thinking about transfering some SD out/BTC/into fiat currency and I am still not sure what is a good process for a Canadian to go by. I have a TD visa and CIBC and PayPal account and am hoping I wont have to go to some other bank to make some other account. I was just looking at the Canadian Bitcoins site and was thinking about trying them. Where you able to transfer money back into your bank or get cash back to you easily?
Would love to know what ended up working out the best for you.
Hello Artwatch,
Well I know CanadianBitcoins has an option to sell bitcoins back to them, but I had never tried to sell any bitcoins, therefore I do not know the process myself.
To get steem to bitcoins you can use ShapeShift.io
Watch this video on YouTube starting at 1:24:00 time.
There you will be able to see how to transfer from Steem to Bitcoin, and if you watch further there might be even more information that you like, such as how to get a Bitcoin credit card.
I hope this information is useful to you. I didn't do any of this myself, but these are the options that I came across.
Good luck!!