Introducing: Daily Bitcoin price summarization based on my own bot!

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)


A few words before

This year I have started Engineering studies in IT. Thanks to them I had remind about bash and it was really vital thing for me. Obviously there are a lot of technologies but I decided to improve my bash skill and create something usefull.

From idea to finished project

A few days ago I was considering about still growing value of Bitcoin , new technologies, progress of Bitcoin and its development. It all gave me an idea I would like to implement. Depending on my knowledge and some experience I decided to write bot in bash.

It is high time to act

The first issue I had to face with was "From where will my bot collect data about Bitcoin prices?" It must be an API provided by Cryptocurrency Market. My choice fell on BitBay. They are having Public API with no limits. That was correct decision. Afterwards when my bot were written it works like I had expected. Still it was not enough to finish my work. There was a lack of something which could keep my bot active every day, constantly. For the first time I have bought VPS to run my application. It was very easy. Finally my bot have started working and collecting data all the time. My plan was simple- create something what would be usefull not only for me, but for some group of people. Of course there are a lot of ways to do it another way, but it is my approach and I hope you will appreciate it.

From technical point of view

Every 3 seconds data are being downloaded from BitBay API and processed. At the end of the day data are being summarized and converted to HTML. After that they are ready to be displayed on SteemIt or webpage (soon probably it will be automaticated too). I am going to share summarizations every day. Probably you are wondering how will it looks like? There is some data I collected yesterday (it is not complete).

DatePrice in USD

🔥 Highest: $17199 per BTC
🔻 Lowest: $16005 per BTC
Total 👍 : 24
Total 👎 : 10

I will improve how it will be displayed! It is early version. I am going to public first summarization tommorow.

Not only Bitcoin

Of course if you want I could post about other cryptocurrencies: Litecoin, Dash, Etherum. Let me now in comments.

Advantages of my solution

If you like clear informations that were well-displayed, are Bitcoin enthusiast it may be excellent for you. It is very easy: I will be posting summarizations as posts, you have nothing more to do, only read and be up-to-date everyday!

At the end

I am very excited about my bot and sharing with you actual data about Bitcoin prices (and other currencies if you want). First summarization will be posted tommorow at about 1 PM CET.


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Data provides BitBay


Nice job mate, follow!

Tak trzymać, czekam na kolejne wpisy. :)

Dzięki :)

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