CryptoWar in Ukrainian: virtual currency is the cause of the global conflict of people with the state.

in #bitcoin7 years ago

The other day the customs control officers in Ukraine have identified a scheme of illegal movement
large lots of devices for the crypto currency (ASIC-miners). Ironically, the product was
is addressed to a domestic enterprise whose activities are connected with air transport.


The offenders purchased expensive equipment in Hong Kong and tried to secretly move the goods
through the customs border of Ukraine.
The state budget could lose hundreds of thousands of dollars. The minimum value of the confiscated
party of miners (according to information on the site of the Hong Kong producer) - $ 500,000.


Just a little earlier in Kiev, robbers attacked a restaurant, stealing
equipment for mining. Unknown at night came in
restaurant through the black entrance. Threatening the weapon, they put the staff of the establishment on the floor, and then seized equipment
for mining. The approximate cost of the stolen is $ 30,000. After this, the robbers fled into the unknown


The security service constantly "shmonaet" miners.
Recently there has been a surge in the activity of law enforcement agencies in the sphere of crypto-currencies.
The main motive of the raids is requisition. Mining equipment
is withdrawn, the further course of the matter is of no special significance. The main thing is to take away.


One such case. In Kiev, a charge was brought against the miner because of illegal activities.
According to the judge, the accused violated several laws at once, and as the judge writes, the use of bitcoins in the country is prohibited,
but a person who was engaged in their "extraction" and distribution
on the territory of the country, does not yet have a special registration for conducting any activity. Accused,
according to the decision of the court, 200 pieces of equipment were used, but in the decision it is labeled as "miners" and it is difficult answer what exactly is at stake.


What the miners are accused of:

  • Smuggling. The equipment for mining is imported and not cheap, often without documents, which allows
    to qualify actions of the owner as illegal importation of equipment. And although now they will not put him in prison,
    administrative responsibility is enough to take servers.

  • Illegal connection to power networks. Electricity is a common commodity, which is also applied
    the concept of theft, and in the case of mining, it is often still in considerable quantities. Bad news for those who
    provided the marginality of mining lightly thrown wires to the nearest pole.

  • Fictitious entrepreneurship. All these your crypto-currencies and the virtual world, whence suddenly they form
    real money, nothing more than an illusion, described by the Criminal Code.

  • Tax avoidance. Any improvement in the welfare of a Ukrainian citizen, according to the authorities,
    must be reflected in tax returns. And now this reality gets to the world of crypto-currency.


In Ukraine there is little that can not be brought under criminal qualification.
However, this does not mean that mining is outlawed ...
