It's interesting! Here is an initial query:
-what will prevent whales from buying up all the land and then seeking rent from tenants?
Or, will this be a 1-private home per person society? (something I'm very much in favor of).
And if the agreement is 1-home per person then does that imply that the present model of landlord rent-seeking as a means of gaining income should be considered outdated and unethical? (unmerited wealth).
Serious thoughtful considered replies only, please......(tired of spam comments).
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You're right!! Maybe more inequality. They say the global economy used to be much more unequal back in the 1800s in the USA. Some would say increased inequality is highly correlated with less poverty. Because if you incentivize the rich they get richer quick and create more jobs. Maybe that can happen in this new country. 😀 😃 😄 😁 what did you have in mind?