Can somebody help please?
I dont find so much to this coin..
I only know that the hardfork was cancelled and then the coin (Bt2) dropped very hard and many people lost their money.
Now i heard from a friend that the segwit update will happen in February.
But i didnt see a source or official site which can confirm this.
Also what I dont know is, if that segwit will really happen: Is that Bt2 coin from bitfinex the original coin, or will there be a new coin?
Is this coin tradeable?
Maybe can comebody help?
I think that is interesting for many people.
On this site is info that segwit update will happen 28.12.2017 - so probably faster
Thank you! I also saw this site but how can we know that this isnt a scam?
If i google Bitcoin Segwit, i dont find this site.
Also no other forums or serious articles where this is confirmed.
I'm checking But I'm also not sure 100% if that is scam or not ... they ensure that will show more to end of this week so we will see soon what happens. But thet now added source code to GitHub so I started to believe :)