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RE: $3300 Bitcoin destroys FUD! Keep up the good fight! BUY AND HOLD BTC works best!

in #bitcoin8 years ago

For what it's worth, I did my research, and went back and watched the initial interview you did with him on your channel, and I don't think you should hate eachother (: I think that in the end crypto should bring us all together. There will always be little things to disagree on but who cares! Lol nobody can control the whole universe 😏 Just saying. I'm all about positivity and I think that us crypto heads will be better off unified! Just food for thought. Lol seems like the beef gets stressful after awhile. Also, on a completely unrelated note, do you know if there is a maximum number of currencies the Trezor will hold? I have the Nano S and it holds 4 maximum. Just curious how the Trezor compares. Thanks dude (:


Please do not put words in my mouth. I do not hate that person. Good luck.

Sorry that's just the vibe people are gonna get though. You refuse to use his name, it implies serious indifference at the least. Like I said, I'm positive about the outcome this is gonna have for all of us, I'm just trying to understand the BTC drama lol no big deal