Bitcoin addiction: opens the first recovery center

in #bitcoin6 years ago

A rehabilitation facility has been opened in Scotland: this time it is not about drugs or alcohol, but about Bitcoin addiction.


The Castle Craig Hospital in Peeblesshire in Scotland will in fact cure crypto-addicts together with alcoholics, drug addicts, and other dependents.

As for gambling, rehabilitation experts hope to treat their employees using behavioral techniques similar to those used for gambling.

Although there are no statistics that report to a specific number of people dependent on the crypto-trading, it is known that there are about 13 million cryptocurrency traders around the world.

Chris Burn, a gambling therapist states: "The high risk due to the floating prices of cryptocurrencies fascinates the gambling addict. It leads to an excitement and an escape from reality ".

Some treatments will be directed by a former cocaine and gambling addict, Tony Marini, who spoke about the treatment: "Since I was the first to be there, my experience with addiction gives me empathy towards people with the same problem. I see cryptocurrency trading as a way to escape from reality because people do not like the world in which they live. The first step in the treatment is to join other group employees and share their life stories. This helps them identify with each other and realize that they are not alone ".

If you are not prone to addictions and promise to be careful, you can read our guides to learn what Bitcoin is and cryptocurrency trading!