일본에서 성장하는 비트코인 Bitcoin Is Growing Big In Japan As Miss Bitcoin Emerges

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)


Bitcoin Is Growing Big In Japan As Miss Bitcoin Emerges

 Not all of the countries in the East have been as receptive to the burgeoning Bitcoin market. However, the situation has been totally different in Japan due to the higher rate of bitcoin adoption and the soft approach from its government. This has led to higher interest from the Japanese, as a self-proclaimed Miss Bitcoin emerges.

 동양에 있는 모든 나라들이 급성장하고 있는 비트 코인 시장에 그렇게 수용적이지는 않다

하지만, 일본에서 비트 코인을 채택하는 비율이 높아지고 일본 정부의 부드러운 접근 방식 때문에 상황이 완전히 달라졌습니다. 

이것은 일본인들로부터 더 높은 관심을 이끌어 냈다. 

미스 비트 코인이 나타났기 때문이다. 

Miss Bitcoin

Mai Fujimoto, also known as Miss Bitcoin, on her social media platforms, figureheads an attitude that seems to be crowing in the Land of the Rising Sun. She boasts how all of her disposable income is deposited straight into Bitcoin.According to the 32-year-old Miss Bitcoin: “I convert all my disposable income into cryptocurrency. I’ve been doing this for nearly a year now. I convert all my savings into cryptocurrency instead of putting them in a bank.”

 '미스 비트 코인'으로도 알려진 후지모토 마이는 소셜 미디어 플랫폼에서 떠오르는 태양의 나라에서 모임을 갖고 있는 듯 보이는 태도를 보였다. 

그녀는 자신의 소득이 어떻게 Bitcoin으로 바로 예치되어 있는지 자랑합니다.

 32살의 마이후지모토 :"나는 내 소득의 전부를 은행에 저축하는 대신 암호화폐를 모았음

But why the hype in Japan?

왜 일본은 홍보를 할까?

Presently in place like China and Korea, citizens are battling against their regulators. 

현재 중국과 한국은 정부와 시민들이 싸우고 있음

Though there is a huge interest in Bitcoin investment from the citizens of these two nations, but their regulators have put their foot down.

 그러나 이 두 나라 시민들은 비트 코인 투자에 큰 관심이 있지만, 그들의 정부는 단호하게 반대했다. 

아무튼 중국과 한국은 규제중이고 이로 인해 일본이 이득을 봤다는 뭐 그런 내용~~~~

China’s ban on Initial Coin Offerings, and then on cryptocurrency exchanges has set a huge precedent in terms of the hard-nosed approach to digital currencies.Also, Korea has started taking steps towards its own style of the ban on cryptocurrencies, however, despite that, there is still massive interest from citizen.Japan also set its own standard in the understanding of Bitcoin as it announced back in April that Bitcoin was accepted as legal tender, 

instantly showing a positive approach from the federal government. Japan also benefited greatly from China’s ban as many companies and investors crossed into Japan to set up their business.AdoptionAmong the eastern countries, Japan was also the first to lead the way in terms of Bitcoin adoption as about 6 months ago there was a boom in businesses trying to integrate Bitcoin payment systems. Even salaries in Japan are starting to be paid partly in Bitcoin. Koji Higashi, a famous commentator on the crypto-business in Japan said:“The involvement of big companies, the sense of security derived from government approval and media exposure really brought in a whole new group of people to the market.”The bitcoin also came as a good alternative for the Japanese, it came at a right time for the investment-savvy Japanese as ultra-low interest rates from the deflation-battling central bank has left investors racking their heads for places to find good returns on their cash.Though some critics are suggesting that the bitcoin is more like a hype and mania than savvy investing.Koji added:“Everyone else is doing it now and I heard they are making a lot of money. I have to get on it now. That’s a very Japanese way of thinking. To be honest, I am not sure if people are buying into Bitcoin based on rational decision-making. It feels more of a short-term irrational mania to me.”This is a happy development for cryptocurrencies, especially bitcoin, as Japan joins the like of Illinois to embrace bitcoin adoption. 
