Its For The Better, Not Worse - It Means Mass Adoption
Big Brother getting his hand in your cookie jar? Not so much actually. What these regulators and government organizations are doing is preventing less sophisticated investors from getting suckered into potential scams and taking exorbitant losses. That's right - The recent crack down in China and from the PBOC (People's Bank of China) is consumer protection.
It started a couple weeks ago with an info note from a public bulletin out of the SEC. They were followed up by various other regulators including the CSA (Canadian Securities Administration) and China's anti fund raising fraud initiative that noted cryptographic assets as a potential vehicle for this.
In these bulletins each regulator went as far as categorizing I.C.O. as a security. When an institution, body or business is exchanging an investment contract with you for money, they are selling a security. A license for this activity is required and only attained when certain standards are met - This is includes use case, viability, solvency and business practices.
As these regulators apply standard economic definitions to these wealth vehicles, they aren't doing it to rob you, to centralize or to get more taxes. The entire purpose is to prevent criminal activity from occurring in which you, an investor, may find yourself the victim of fraud taking losses that are unrecoverable.
Beware the Snake Oil Salesman - Mind The Misinformation
Regulators from around the world are doing exactly what they are supposed to, implementing consumer protection. This includes defining wealth vehicles, making rules, and leveling the playing field so that you have the opportunity to participate. With this guidance, the only real risks you face are your own inefficiencies.
The SEC, CSA and PBOC want you to beware the snake oil salesman with his cure all crypto currency - I relish in this. An interesting aspect of the new cryptographic asset space is that individuals with absolutely zero knowledge or experience in trading and investing have put money to work.
A head of the SEC has made note of this - Trading and investing is not child's play, it's zero sum. Someone has to lose for someone else to win.
It's not a bad thing, but the school of hard knox in traditional equity markets is enough of a learning curve for most novices. Enter the world of crypto where the volatility is through the roof and the lack of corporate fundamentals, economic understandings and trading and investment practices will see individuals lose everything they have. There is an old adage, 90% of people who try to day trade equity markets lose everything, if after 6 months you are profitable, you made it, you have a shot, but nothing is certain...and most people fool themselves.
So, while the whiners whine about regulators, big brother, the tax man and centralized markets, they fail to recognize their own limitations in understanding the complexities of trading and investing any assets. They fail to realize that rules and standards are required.
Some folks will say, "Well if you got swindled, that's your own fault!" Very true! If you get swindled, it's your own fault, but when it happens to those same individuals (DOA Tokens, Bit Connect etc.) they will cry for regulators to make it better.
They Didn't Ban The Industry - They Set Standards
The scales of justice is a symbol of balance and the legal intervention out of china is just that, balance. What occurred broadly in the crypto markets is what we refer to in capital markets as a "black swan" event. Unpredictable and devastating. Fear takes hold, people sell and take significant losses. Its generally an emotional response by the less savvy and risk off for the more practiced.
Originally the news made it seem like all crypto was in jeopardy, however upon reading the legislation from the PBOC it was clear in the language that the entire purpose was to prevent fraud, halt everything and go through proper channels. The language went as far as acknowledging Bitcoin and Ethereum as legitimate.
With 4000 + coins out there, a massive consolidation should have been expected and is now starting. Investors and traders will really have to do the due diligence before taking positions as the cryptographic assets out there that are simply hot air will begin to deflate - risk off.
As panic set in, the super discount sale got bought up just as fast as it occurred. This is known as a dip buying opportunity. The market is still rattled and there are still deals to be had, however, a very practical approach would be avoiding any I.C.O. that has not gotten a green light from their respective governing body.
As the dust settles and cooler heads prevail, we already see these regulatory bodies allowing certain I.C.O. to proceed, such as IMPAK COIN right out of Quebec, Canada. The CSA has approved their continued operation. A legal investment firm has begun operating in the U.K. with the intent of guiding these small business through the approval process.
The crack down, or halt on I.C.O. was merely a way to streamline a process for approval, not big brother snatching the market from your finger tips.
As the crypto paradigm has grown, the easy money has been made. Regulation is simply the next step in ensuring that misinformation, FUD, HYPE, ponzi schemes, pyramid schemes and crooks don't get the best of you. Clearly defined products, rules and practices are the next step in mass adoption.
Whether the early adopters like it or not with out this occurring, the average joe will never be confident enough to participate. If you want to sell your bitcoin, ponzi coin, what ever, you need someone to buy it from you. More adoption, means more money flowing through the crypto market.
With all of that said, I won't be surprised to see more market moving news from regulators that drives big draw downs or causes massive price appreciation. Just this morning and still being carried to news outlets, China has cracked down further via an order to close several crypto exchanges by end of day today. This may well be FUD but because of the novice nature of many participants in the markets it is certainly having an effect on price.
The biggest thing to remember is that in the age of social media, troll-boxes and fake news -- the misinformation abounds. You either play cautious or understand your risk tolerance and take advantage of the opportunities as they present themselves.

"The biggest thing to remember is that in the age of social media, troll-boxes and fake news -- the misinformation abounds."
So true! It's astonishing how quickly people react to headlines, as if a single tweet is a strong source of information or something.
It seems healthy to give a good 2-3 days for the dust to settle before one even tries to understand any rapid developments in the crypto space - if you're just HODLing, why rush into it when the dust is in the air?
exactly, or why take new high risk positions. I recommend for the less active that they stick to stalwarts for now, just stick to where the money is
Yo ,
Nice work sir
Nothing good ever comes from government involvment in the private sector. Remember what Reagan said about the 9 most TERRIFYING words in the english language...
The regulators are controlled by the banks. The banks HATE crypto.
You're absolutely right that most people who try day trading end up losing some or most of what they start out with. There are many reasons for this but I think mostly it's because our emotions tend to cloud our judgment when we trade. Ideally one should make a plan and stick to it (define your entry point and why you think it's a good price to enter, what your expected profit is and where you set a stop loss). However, a lot of people have trouble sticking to the plan, myself included.
Regarding the regulators, I'm glad they're trying to crack down on scams for a couple of reasons. One is pretty obvious and that's so people don't get swindled as much. The second is the volatility that the news has created in the markets. Like you said, the China news created panic selling and some of us bought that dip over the weekend and got some cheap coins. Looks like the markets are down a bit today but mostly my money is in this market for the long term so I'm not really concerned.
My concern with the government getting more heavily involved is that they'll make the tax reporting burden as much of a nightmare as they possibly can. The US tax code already has between 3-4 million words that fill thousands of pages and it can be very frustrating for people who have more than just a 1040EZ to fill out every year. I still do my own taxes and it takes longer every time I go through the process because they add more rules and regulations every year.
I am my own worst enemy in trading that is for sure. I have recently come to determine, when im unsure, just put it down, or don't push my luck on a hot streak ha --- Taking a break is key!
I get the tax issue 100% -- but i think the most important thing for mass adoption is stopping PONZI coins from getting to the I.C.O. stage!
Thanks for commenting :-)
Absolutely! I love interacting with with people (moreso than just "good job", "good post", "pls upvote me", etc) lol. Just realized I wasn't following you but I changed that just now. Look forward to reading more of your posts and more conversation in the future.
See ya around! :)
You're exactly right... they are not "banning the industry." Which is a good thing.... as far as I can tell.
Means we're moving from "Wild Wild West" to something a little more structured and reliable.
Absolutely and its in all honesty what is required. Thanks for your comment!
Very well put together article @adsactly.
It might not have just been the China news though, I posted this the other day about a possible correction coming, the China news may have just further accelerated it coming.
Im actually also a chartist and a setup for a BTC dump was there, infact the daily time frame we are observing the possible right shoulder of the pattern being formed. Must hold level is 4200 ish on BTC. But there is def much news and much fud driving this trade this morning!
Cool! I'll have to follow you if you post chartings (I haven't checked your page out yet).
Yeah it was coming, even after the short-term rebound.
XMR and Dash were also ripe to correct.
EDIT: What's very interesting is that they haven't corrected as much as the rest. Could be an interesting weekend again!
yeah Governments are introducing all these regulations to protect us? give me a break!
I remain of the idea these new regulations are unnecessary.
New regulations will only make it harder for great ideas to get off the ground and reduce opportunities for the rest of us. And as you say they are only getting started with the regulations and will only get worse.
If you believe the Government's demand for exchanges to identify clients is for "customer protection" I have some news: they want to know how much we have in our pockets to tax it! doh! Wasn't the "Declare 10lk crypto at US airport" regulation clear enough?
You might have a point that the average housewife or old dinosaur financier might be more inclined to invest in a safe ultra regulated environment, but it will only make the market more stale for the rest of us. The real opportunities were in the Far West...
Also interesting to see how many anarcho-capitalists turn into Statists if they perceive it might help the crypto prices. Actually everytime new regulations are introduced prices get huge corrections if anything. The correlation regulation=appreciation is unfounded. Cryptos would be booming no matter what.
I agree with this. I am not for the SEC coming in and trying to classify an ICO as a security. The US feds just want a list of who bought what coin since they can't do that right now to any great success. Let the Wild West stay wild.
I get that, these regulators though, the SEC CSA and anti fraud in china, they are not the tax man, they are consumer protection. If there is a huge correction and you believe, buy the dip? Thanks for commenting!
Great, hope no more Shitcoins as fuck.
More Quality Coins :)
no risk no return
Right! We want quality, we want standards!
Thank! for share great post Resteem
thanks very much!
thanks for the information. what your news is useful for us all ..
Yup, this is a step forward. Keep your money in legit coins and hold for the future. Definitely not going crazy with trades until the end of the year.
100% that is the way, us little fish need to stick with the rest of the money while this boat gets rocked...rekt, something ha
Regulators in courage people to invest crypto with safe and secure environment, and the fake, fraud and just for fun launching currencies and investor will discourage, so I think by using regulations crypto will go heigher in safe involvement.
It's very interesting how all this will turn out in the end,quite amazing that we can be witnesses to the changes.But it's for sure good to risk and invest money you can afford to lose, coz you never know how it's gonna be.Thank you for sharing a very informative post🙂
Thanks for your comment! Glad the insight is appreciated!
Very much appreciated ;)
I like the idea of a little bit of safety an definitely like the mass adoption by the general public, but Im sure it would get there on its own. In regulation comes centralized systems of banking and that means loss on our part to pay for them to insure and other things taking away what the whole concept of crypto was created for more in our pocket no government backed system dipping out of ours and watching over our shoulders. Its like seatbelt sure they save lives but if I don't care enough about mine then what really give them the right to tell me I have to. They convince you of the eminent danger and tell you how its for your own good but really its so they can ticket and generate profit. Scare tactics have worked on the masses for well ever. This is no different, you will loose your life savings unless you give us a small portion to back it..and what happened in 09 did everyone walk away with all their home or 401k's or savings NO their are no real guarantees except that the regulators will get paid. Its a good and bad thing we just have to decide what out weighs the other. Fortune favors the bold right.
Hey man if you like flying through the winshield by your own fault or someone elses ... cause that is what the seatbelt is for.
Is it really decentralized when about 5 mining pools have the controlling stake and can just fork coins willy nilly....
But It's fair I see your point. Its exciting nevertheless!
Thats what I'm getting at it really comes down to the choice each individual wants to make depending on their own personal risk level. I would wear the belt no matter but I just don't like the fact someones taken my freedom of choice away so as to generate profit for them selves and other cronies. auto Insurance companies always made a fortune now in the las t 15 years they have tripled in size due to increasing cost to consumers because of all the points no seat belt no helmet no insurance then the consumer cost goes up in turn they become a more powerful influence on government. Banks are even worse and I really don't like the idea that they will profit off the money I have to work for thats the reason for decentralized system they can't fully guarantee our safety so what pay them.
The industry needs a nice shaking and clean up.
Thanks for this informative post. I think we each have to make our plan for investing according to our resources and goals and, then, keep a cool head.
absolutely agree, plan, strategize, execute.
exactly,they are not banning the industry which is a good thing my dear.
I may have a setup for a BTC dump was there, infact the every day time period we are watching the conceivable right shoulder of the example being framed. Must hold level is 4300 ish on BTC. Be that as it may, there is def much news and much fud driving this exchange at the beginning of today!
by my chart the neckline is about 4162 but very good eye ;-)
Totally agree with you,it will be a lot better and a more confident market in the long term,thanks for sharing.
Thank you much appreciate your comment!
All those "We are Anarcho-Capitalist and settle everything P2P without centristic regulations" did not lead to so much good. Mainly the flood of ICOs and 2 of the biggest Cryptos being mainly used to make more cryptos (ETH and NEO).
It was always kind of obvious to me as well that the governments will want to have a say at some point. We got a good chance to get a decent new money system and should all work together to make it work.
Very true and my thoughts exactly -- the community needs to work with regs, participate in public comment periods and speak out generally!
Time has come for ICOs to be regulated.
Great post thank you for sharing
Early investment in cryptocurrency can make u billioner tomorrow
A wonderful theme continued
Nice post @adsactly
plate full of delic news n information spicy. keep us awake with more data. thanx
Soon the only crypto exchanges to be legal will be those floating on boats outside the 20 miles sea international borders limit.
LOL they better have some good wifi!
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thanks for this post
Está claro que es mucho mejor, que se pueda regular la s ICO para que así lleguen a nosotros las verdaderamente interesantes y no las que sacan los estafadores con el único fin de enriquecerse, creo que esto también lo debesrían de hacer también con algunos exchange como Yobit, que la gran mayoría de sus monedas son mierda, esos si que hacen perder dinero tambien.
Nice to see it presented from this point of view.
Hey I don't mind. Let all the fuss be made, while I slowly build up my stack ^.^
Very informative, thank you kindly!
Really enjoy your post. Trying to learn about cryptocurrency every single day. Can't wait for the next one.
Thank you for the education.
truly agree if not only China it could be other country also.
thank you for sharing, I really like your post, I wait for your next post
"As these regulators apply standard economic definitions to these wealth vehicles, they aren't doing it to rob you, to centralize or to get more taxes. etc etc"
<---This is not right, is precisely for to get some degree of control. It does not mean that is not necessary be careful with fraud.
But the SEC and other regulators do not comply with the implementation of consumer protection really, is just an illusion, in fact they rule the structure in a way to guarantee the benefits for some agents and make asymmetries prevail.
The only part I disagree in this article is that investment is not always a zero-sum activity. Particularly crypto-currencies that actually add value to the world (be it via seamless smart contract, via better data infrastructure or via optimised value-exchange) transform this value to a coin; hence win-win. Of course this is valid for only a minority of the cryptos.
Wouldn't you consider regulations necessary for mass adaptation? When I hear these news coming from China about regulations or shutting down ICO's it gives me the incentive to buy even more! Thanks for the post! Following :)