Bitcoins Death By 21 Million Cuts ... 5 Or 6 Times - Part 1

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

How Did We End Up With Bitcoin Anyway? The financial crisis of 08


When the Federal Reserve began printing trillions of dollars in 2008 through to 2014, it was an extraordinary measure taken to prevent global economic collapse as there was a credit liquidity issue - which means there wasn't enough money inside the system to service debt, which had a snowball effect across financial institutions

Bank A, owed Bank B, who owed Bank C, who owed, Bank A - and somewhere in this long chain of debt to debt to debt, someone couldn't pay. This is how the solvency issue started and ultimately led to the collapse of several major financial institutions in the United States. It exposed a network of unserviceable debt, questionable practices and downright abuse of the worlds most renowned capitalist economy.

It was most certainly due to a lack of oversight and regulation. It was the result of greed, shills, and plain stupidity. One could argue the Federal Reserve abused the fractional reserve system, our current monetary system during the 2008 crisis (which actually began in 2007). However, had these extraordinary measures not been taken, a depression the likes of the 1920s through the 30's would have taken hold of the global economy. That means wheelbarrows of cash to buy bread, wealth disparity would have hit a new extreme.

If we break it down further, total annual GDP in the United States is approximately $18 trillion dollars. In 2014, when asset purchases had stopped, the federal reserve had accumulated a mere $4.5 trillion over 6 years. Small potatoes if we view things in percentage terms. The monetary cycle continues and the federal reserve has begun unwinding these assets as they increase interest rates to match inflation. They are doing so in a slow and controlled manner so as not to shock the financial system. It should be recognized that the Fed could even turn a profit as they liquidate the original $4.5 trillion in asset purchases. This money could be used for several things, including kept in reserve, servicing the national debt or economically stimulative initiatives.

As a function of GDP

4.5 trillion over 6 years = 750 billion.
4.5trill / 18trill / 6 years = 4% annually.

Is it possible the FED only increased the total money supply by 4% annually to stave off a financial calamity? Good on them.

Lets talk about bitcoin

Blockchain and Satoshi's Bitcoin were actually conceptualized in the 80s and 90s, however, the technology simply didn't exist to host a distributed ledger - and perhaps society hadn't reached the point of total disenfranchisement with the current monetary system. Around the same time as the 08 financial crisis, the world had gotten over the dot-com boom and bust, suddenly the technology existed to make blockchain and bitcoin work.

In the years following the financial crisis, a movement known as, "The 99%", paralleled the Federal Reserves Quantitative easing program. Suddenly there was a demand for an alternative to the current system. Satoshi made bitcoin, distributed ledger technology was implemented and when bitcoin started, it was viewed as a joke, used for online gambling and generally not wildly known or understood. It just percolated in chat rooms and forums on the internet.

Suddenly, overnight millionaires were born as the adoption spread like a wildfire. The craze began and here we are today with a cryptocurrency market inspired by Satoshi's bitcoin with over 1000 tokens to choose from. Interestingly, the original allure of Bitcoin was limited supply and suddenly supply is unlimited in the broadest sense. A guy in his garage, a girl in her basement, or some 'dude' in some far off place can make a coin, make a blockchain - or at least they could run token sales for it (Ponzi coins are a discussion for another day).

Blockchain technology has grown rapidly and has been adopted into the real world, by the likes of mega-corporations, specifically IBM and some major financial institutions with Bank of America now having over 30 patents on the technology. It is important to recognize, first came blockchain, then came bitcoin. Going forward one should expect this reality to become more and more present. Cryptocurrency fundamentals will depend heavily on the strength of their networks and the underlying technology they are to power.

Bitcoin, for example, is purely transactional, Ethereum introduced the smart contract - the evolution of technology is natural and should be embraced which presents an interesting issue as technology tends to become obsolete. In the internet age, this age of science, we don't 'Macgyver" we build new, we make better, continuously improve and the rate this occurs is seemingly exponential.

"Fork it!" They say...

Blockchain forks are opportunities to update the codebase to accommodate the evolution of a distributed ledger and/or coin -- or they are abused and coin after coin gets made.

This is one of a few fundamental issues facing cryptocurrency markets. If total supply of bitcoin was only ever intended to be 21 million, but with a hard fork a bitcoin derivative is created, total supply increases in a roundabout manner and effectively increasing by 100% each time - let's ignore market cap for now as bitcoins appeared overnight and could just as easily disappear overnight.

BTC = 21 million
BCH = 21million
BTG = 21 million
etc etc.

So the real questions ... ?

How are hard forks better than the fractional reserve system?
Is supply truly limited?
What constitutes decentralized? Is true decentralization even possible?
Is Bitcoin decentralized if the top miners get to decide what happens and not the community of holders?
What happens when the regulators truly take action?
Is it possible that the true purpose and value was lost in the capitalist growth of the crypto market?
How do we determine intrinsic value? Silver has intrinsic value... does bitcoin?


Crypto community members need to start asking these question. Greed is blinding and that is why we now have over 1000 coins to choose from. Some have great technology, some are simply ponzi schemes. Others might have a fantastic use case or technology, does that mean they should be a cryptocurrency?

Let us know what you think in the comments, and let's explore these questions in Part 2.


Authored by: @satchmo


There are 2 pages

The questions you mentioned here may offend a few. But to me, you are absolutely spot on. I really didn't understand why there are hard forks occurring at all. The last thing we want is unlimited "printing" of Bitcoins.

Great post @adsactly. Kudos

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I agree with you a hardfork is no better than the government printing as much as they want.

Really nice overview of the existing fractal system.
The forks in a coin disappointed me somewhat. Without scarcity, it could just be coins, stacking on coins, with just a different kind of unknown face, holding most of the cookies!

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Great article @adsactly - Right now people still have faith in the dollar which is why most still don't know what cryptocurrency is as of yet. Crypto enthusiasts have faith in bitcoin which is why they are all in. They are both currencies. Money is gold and silver, and platinum. These coins are physical, require a lot of work to mine, refine, and stamp. Hence currency is not money.

Awesome read, followed you. I don't know how it happened it's first post of yours which I read. In my opinion forks are not good. But community is aware of that and it just keeps adding to their saving so - who cares? I hope BTC will be the one and only for the "digital gold" asset. I can't see it being used as it is know as a form of payment due to costs.

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Quote:Is it possible that the true purpose and value was lost in the capitalist growth of the crypto market?
This question continually hurts me. Today we can see how the crypto have become another good with which to speculate, trade, etc. as if the stock market was.
And I personally do not like it.
But having said that and although I do not like the current philosophy in the crypto space every dollar / euro coming out of the corrupt, manipulated and unsustainable financial system for me is a small victory.

Seems like the market will speak for itself, as we are seeing with the current gold fork bullshit which seems stillborn.
There is is room for other coins for sure, but these forks are clearly a forking scam which are exclusionary by thier very nature and not compatible with free market.
For me to collect bitcoin cash or bitcoin gold I have to entrust my bitcoin with a third party is absolute bullshit.
Seems to me the market has spoken, and the self healing growth characterstics of the bitcoin are shinning through.

Bitcoin has the same intrensic value as the US dollar—nothing. The only value in either of them is the faith of those who are willing to trade for it. Ease and safety of trading also add value. They are both interesting speculations.

Comparisons of bitcoin with the USD is kinda missing the point of what bitcoin really is.
Bitcoin is the internet of money; the very first decentralized trans-national currency.
it is quite fascinating to watch the Andreas Antonopoulos talks on bitcoin to gain a deeper perspective of the value of bitcoin and what it means and holds for the future.

Its not a comparison of Bitcoin to USD -- its a comparison of the fractional reserve system to forking coins.

Actually bitcoin does have intrinsic costs money to mine a bitcoin...hence giving it value. It costs nothing to create fiat.

Talk to miners and ask them when it costs to create a bitcoin in their wallet....

Costing money to mine it, doesn't actually give it an intrinsic value, it just is USD or BTC cycled back into the economy via the purchase of computer equipment (jobs) and electricity (jobs). If once electricity is spent on mining coin is coin electricity LOL joke!

In reality tho, electricty is non permanent, so it can't be argued that is the intrinsic value. If we mine steel, that doesnt make its value - the fact that it is used in all infrastructure vs total supply is where value is derived and then market forces are layered in.

BTC intrinsic value is a function of its network only this case.

There are only 3 ways to obtain Bitcoin..Buy Bitcoin with cash, Mine Bitcoin which is now very expensive for electricity and buying mining equipment, and last but not least....someone gives you bitcoin. Hope this helps~! all donations accepted here;18sbJiLrAA5ogJoktQxpe8RJ5LaSDmcqbK
Tibets should be worth a cup of coffee...WeLoveBitcoin~!!!

It's interesting, isn't it? bitcoin was supposed to be capped at 21 million and now with bcash and bgold - they push the overall total cap to over 63 million. if not more.

Still there is only one bitcoin, although Rodger Vers argument that segwit removes digital signatures is one to take in.

Is Bitcoin decentralized if the top miners get to decide what happens and not the community of holders?

That's really important question. if someone or group is controlling the fate, then what's its differences with centralized system?

Hope you have the answer too. Waiting for part 2.
Really effective post to understand the background!

That's such a good article @adsactly that's the big question really, can blockchain be decentralized and achieve mass adoption. I am too new to answer that but I will say to achieve bigger adoption that 5% you need the general public to be using it which means you need stability and as so many people are out for a quick buck can that happen just yet?

Fortunately, the market will decide how many of those other 42 million coins are actually viable. BCH didnt exactly knock BTC off its block and it seems BTG is having even less of an impact. Forks are now getting to the point of crying wolf...nobody pays attention. BTC appears to be the true Bitcoin still with the others languishing.

A fine point to talk about the blockchain currencies are on when evaluating them. This is something that few seem to want to do. Bringing it back to your bitcoin split point, how much development is going on with the BCH network compared to BTC? It isnt even close. Over time, BTC will evolve as developers start to add things common on other blockchains.

Critical knowledge is key

Agree what you said there must be a knowledge source

Imagine one day when one satoshi will be worth too much to pay for a coffee, lol. Whatever will we do then? Probably convert to something cheaper :P

The federal reserve can print billions of useless paper money, without any type of value to back it up.

Bitcoin is limited, only split into smaller and smaller denominations as the market cap increases.

They are similar, but Bitcoin is backed by invested currency worldwide, thus contains real value.

Bitcoins can't simply be generated out of thin air, as paper money can be..

We are in the infancy stages of this shift to a global monetary system. It won't slow down, it will only become more widely adopted and accepted as the norm.

Welcome to the future my friends😎👍

Hi ,
Nice work sir

Awesome post @satchmo and I very much agree, if quick money and greed is the only motivation the future of crypto looks bleak.

Hello @adsactly,

I think that greed on a personal level is begining to reflect the banks of the past, by introducing so many coins. With more ponzi schemes being added, I feel that people are investing more often in what people selling the idea says is going to be hot, over researching the company behind the coin.

US legislation cracked down on cryptocurrency because of illegal markets, but now fake ICOs may be the next reason for more restriction. There are new coins and tokens being made everyday, and the thought of how many are not real can be terrifying.

I can not comment further, because this is a high-level discussion. I just want to say, your post many benefits. I always get knowledge from every post you. Please guide me so my account can grow fast. Thanks and sorry if I made a mistake.

Just reading this makes me wonder what the real value is with Bitcoin if it can fork any time...........
As @alexcaskie said each fork is devaluing Bitcoin and the faith in it.

Why not just fork into smaller denominations of Bitcoins or is that what Bitcoin Gold is suppose to do?

It's interesting, isn't it? bitcoin was supposed to be capped at 21 million and now with bcash and bgold - they push the overall total cap to over 63 million. if not more.

Still there is only one bitcoin, although Rodger Vers argument that segwit removes digital signatures is one to take in.

Thank you fot the perfect analysis!
Anyway I expect that sooner or later BTC dominancy will be replaced by another one with better technology. Do you agree that BTC is a leader just because it was the FIRST invented coin?

So you think the fed can sell off their toxic assets, ok. Since 08' the world banks have increased their debt. To me nothing has changed, just put off making the coming depression deeper.

I agree with your skepticism on bitcoin, could be big bust.

Great questions. Maybe Holochain is the future?

hi @adsactly, I like it this post, thanks for share

So you think the fed can sell off their toxic assets, ok. Since 08' the world banks have increased their debt. To me nothing has changed, just put off making the coming depression deeper.

I agree with your skepticism on bitcoin, could be big bust.

Nice Post and useful knowledge shared

importent bitcoin information thanks....

Bitcoin is unstoppable, it is the decentralized engine, though
transactions are public. But untraceable currencies such as
Monero are poised to capture a decent part of the market
share. Stay thirsty my friends.

Blockchain is going to innovate every industry within 10 years, imho. .

Bitcoin level is tope. great post.Thanks for sharing.

I like reading your post, keep it up @adsactly

very informative post @adsactly.

Yes you are right but coin is one of the dominating cryptocurrency this time but don't worry we steemians will surely power up our Steem and SBD real fast and no doubt in it...😎😉


very nice hello dear sir im new my voteing thanks sir

bitcoin + bitcoin = bitcoin

Thanks for information ....

excellent post ..loving to your blog.thanks for sharing..

Bitcoin the king of coin

You are providing valuable content about history of crypto, and its importance around the world. Thank you for your contribution!

Hello my friend . summer is very nice. The question to be asked is whether the fries will continue? Will this be seen in other sub-coins?

bitcoin is real estate on internet, no matter how techenotical advanced other currenry, it is only us dollor, or euro, or cny on internet. Do you prefer a house or us dollar?

Awesome read, followed you. I don't know how it happened it's first post of yours which I read. In my opinion forks are not good. But community is aware of that and it just keeps adding to their saving so - who cares? I hope BTC will be the one and only for the "digital gold" asset. I can't see it being used as it is know as a form of payment due to costs.

hi @adsactly, thanks for share, I Like it this post👍🏻

Was thinking of it like the illegal stocks division kinda thing but this is waay better

It all reminds of the social networks pre Facebook, lots of operators vying for the top spot.
I don't recall who said it, but the quote goes something like this:

You don't have to be first, just make sure you are the last (with great execution)

Until then we are to see 1,000 upon 1,000 of coins, which arguably is a good thing. Imho

If ya'll want a strong investment plan visit (bitpetite) Its a bittumbler that privatizes btc transactions using other currencies. You as an investor get paid dividends from fees they charge people to use their service.

You can invest your BTC, ETH, LTC and or XMR into bitpetite for either;
6 weeks - 4.5% daily and 1 % on weekends. Total return - 147% (47%, 100% being your original investment)
9 weeks - 3.6% daily 1% on weekends. Total return - 180% (80%, 100% being your original investment)

They recently updated their server to allow almost instantaneous withdrawals - you get paid hourly through dividends and can withdraw on demand. (within the minimum amount which is less than 5 dollars)

I would deem it low - medium risk as of now -

Good luck and happy investing :)

THE Bitcoin, is the only real one. So it has only 21 millions, it doesn't matter how many clones are made.
The funny thing is that all of these clones saying the same thing: they are the ones that (re)creating Nakamoto's principal idea...What a lie...he(or she, or them) meant it to be 1 bitcoin with a max of 21 million...
We're only human, so greed is always nearby...


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