Sold 6k of $ in verge 3 weeks ago. Not interested in xvg any more. I think that Neblio and Enigma are better investments for me. I have been watching their patterns and think there is way bigger room for growth for both of these. ENG will easily go 2,3x in next 2 weeks. I am gonna use this dip to make a nice position in it this time. I think that 10x is quite real for it by the end of the year.
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this is what i was telling everyone here in the comments... @haejin can not predict correction at all.... he was making lot of bullish calls during corrections, which he should not have done.... and bcoz of that many of the readers here will get in to this bloodbath, and the funny thing is he will not take responsibility of his actions (power comes with responsibility), and still would claim his predictions were not too shabby ... LOL , on top of that he will take all the steem dollars shamelessly as well... a monkey can make all the bullish calls in the shit coins he is making these days, no matter what they will go up in the future if crypto sphere survives, if not today tomorrow, if not tomorrow next month, if not next month next year, but that does nt mean he would be right in his TA