Altcoins have stiull not even recovered from the last fork! A lot of people stiull have Bitcoin Cash stucj in Jaxx wallets and coinbase and other services that have not "released' the Bitcoin cash yet, (with coinbase u dont have the private keys with jaxx u do but its still a huge risk to mess with them to manually get the Bcash and Jaxx twitter warns us all not to touch our Bitcoins and takes 2 months and no bitcoin cash yet) And coinbase is telling users they cant get their Bcash till JANUARY
(hah also Bitcoin Cash people apparently HATE when you call it Bcash which is a red flag when you cant even cal something by its actual bname, and in crypto world everyone uses acronyms and they arent a sign or respect of disrespect the bitcoin doesnt fucking care what uyou call it, you could call bitcoin Shitcoin and it wouldnt care the price would keepo going up and so peope;l into Bcash shouldnt care what we call it, and it IS caled Bitcoin cash and Bcashis just shroter, and its also not the original bitcoin because itsjust not or if it was they would be fordking bitcoin gold and segwit2x off of bitcoin cash and not bitcoiun core liek tehy are gonna do! haha
Also the bitcoin cash seems like it will help the causie ofbitcoin core, when gold and segwit2 come out now they wont be confusing to bitcoin userts, it wont seem like theres a "split it will be obvious they they are a;l just altcoins diverging off the main path, but since the main path is stil going strong why change? its like a cheap trick that just wont work, and its lame top think that would hacve ever worked, lol why would we all switch to using some centralized crypto currency like bitcoin segwit2x controlled by a tiny group of people who are pushing for it? haha like seriously i NOW bitcoin is so big and somany people running nodes and miners that its At least Already spread out all ovr thw rodl While Segitw2x will be focused in teh hands of a tiny minoroty, and who teh hell wats that?
Anyway I almost fell for this dream vision that segwit2x would be some faste cheaper high tech bitcoin, but i realize thats easier said than done first of all and second of all Bitcoin does NOTNEED a hard fork to help it d something ithas already been able to do!!!!
Fuckingf Bitcoin core was able to do fast and super cheap trasnactions for YEARS! it doesnt ned a FORK to fuckin help it go BACK to whats its ALREADY been CAPABLE of doinG! and the network congestion is not an excuse! we haveplenty of pay,enty processor son thos planet, and theers no real reason we need to expoerience slow transaction times and high miner fees if we can just upgrde and scale and i believe they shoul at least TRY and i bet when they DO try scaling witha sopfytfork we WILl see some lowered fees! and i think that we also will realize that as long as more peopel start Mining then we can actualy lower the fees by way of competing with miners charging such high fees! anyone can set up a miner and even if it costs more for elctricity than u make in bitcoins, u can still Mine Bitcoins and loose money doing it JUST to HOLD the bitcoins which WILL make uip for the lost electricity profit one dsy! AND the bitcoin mining u can do even at a loss will help you compete with for example, the chinese! If a wealthy American wanted to do so, he could buold a bitcoin mining centr the biggest in tehw orld and even manufacture his own asic miners and he 9or she) could focus all of the Bitcoin Hash power back into the USA and that coiuld also be a big PR move for bitcoin, and more nations could do this and it would HELP decentralize bitcoin more!!!!
This is inevitable as moe nations start mining! as more places mine bitcoin even for smal profiut margins, we will see miner fees go down!
also i have a feeling after Bgold and Bsegwit2x coins hardfork coins come out then they wil at first go iup a lil then CRASH and come down HARd no n will want to give segwit2x coin ANY support LOl and then we will end up with them dying and bitcoin core turning on moe miners and lowering fes and making transaction time go faster and it wil be amazing LOL