80 Percent of Bitcoins have been mined + BTC to hit $30K this year, Steem to hit $200 and EOS to hit $500, Bitcoin private (ZCL) will hit at least $3000 + $1 Upvotes for anyone Steem/EOS/Zclassic memes!

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

2018 is the Year of the Lambo. @contentjunkie has actually educated me on a little known fact that Satoshi nakamoto roughly translates in Japanese to "Lambo Bling". Find more enlightenment like this from @contentjunkie over at over on http://steemspeak.com chat

Actually the real definition of Satoshi is a Wise Man and nakamoto means "he who lives in the center" an inside joke?

Doing a quick web search, you'll find out that Satoshi is usually a name given for baby boys which means “clear thinking, quick witted, wise,” while Nakamoto is a Japanese surname which means 'central origin' or '(one who lives) in the middle' as people with this surname are found mostly in the Ryukyu islands which is ...Aug 12, 201 - Google (Link here https://siliconangle.com/blog/2014/08/12/did-the-nsa-create-satoshi-nakamoto/ )

By the way, @dan larimer and his father @stan larimer who worked for SAIC INQTEL and Lockheed martin (literal teaching rocket science) and some British cryptographers like Alan Back who invented Proof of Work for HashCash a anti spam email program, yes all of those guys helped build Bitcoin... but the dumb obvious proof Dan was involved is the simple fact that @dan was the first person to "talk" to Satoshi Nakamoto on a public forum... hahah t was just himself talking to himself over a forum! it is so funny ! Here is the history of Stan Larimer! https://www.forbes.com/sites/rogeraitken/2015/10/12/meet-cryptonomexs-dan-larimer-and-his-four-horsemen-of-crypto-economics/#1fcd84b43fd9

He is CEO of Cryptonomex, cofounded with his son Dan Larimer, the originator of blockchain technologies that currently process over half of all public blockchain transactions in the world. These include BitShares, Steemit, Peerplays, Muse, Golos, and next year EOS. BitShares and Steemit each exceed Bitcoin and Ethereum combined records for daily transactions and together they surpass the rest of the industry.
Stan has used his MSEE degree to teach rocket science at the US Air Force Academy and to develop unmanned air, ground, sea and space “drones” for 40 years with aerospace giants such as Lockheed Martin, Northrup Grumman, Boeing, General Dynamics, and SAIC. These days Stan develops unmanned companies.

So I just wanted to educate my followers on the serious business @dn and his father @stan have been in and the likely hood that they were indeed involved with the creation of Bitcon is VERY high ... plus I have had the info leaked by some very big bitcoin and steem whales who i will allow to remain anonymous, so it is up to you who to believe. You can believe my idea that the person who has PROVEN to be good at creating blockchains was the one who created Bitcoin... OR you can believe that he didnt... but its more likely that they did create Bitcoin, father and son team AND Adam Back creator of Hash cash the first Proof of Work system.... Adam Back even traveled to Israel for the first Bitcoin Conferences and sold Bitcoin to Israelis so the global Banking cartel owners would get the first mover advantage...

You see, the global power players WILL allow crypt to destroy all the fiat wealth because they wil have gotten rid of all their fiat, they wot MIND destroying teh wealth of all their competition, crashing the fiat party of everyone who ISNT into crypto is FINE for them! People; should realize that the world did NOT wait for the Horse Industry when automobiles came out... SURE the horse industry tried to make cars illegal, they trid to push anti car propaganda about how dangerous cars were, i mean this si what Banks do with crypto and they will have to just do what Mercedes did and convert fucking horse draw carriages to AUTOmobiles!

So I wanted to make this pos because of this important but looked over post about how 80% of the Bitcoins have been mined....


Hah do you all know what this means? The price of BTC will only go up as SUPPLY goes down and DEMAND goes up! Lightening network WILL come out this year and allow for cheap and fast Bitcoin transactions, there is FAR too much money invested in this technology to just let it fail right now... oh and transaction fees CAn go to $100, people with millions of dollars already pay MUCH more than that to transfer money around the world.... and now with Biutcoin private we will have cheaper faster transactions WITHOUT the lightening network :D

I want to do some graphic design contests, I want the help of any graphic designer to start making STeem memes, one after another, Steem and EOS memes to help Pump EOS and Steem price! PLEASE if you are a meme maker or just want to try your hand at imgflip.com meme generator, CREATE some DANK memes for EOS Steem and Zclassic (Bitcoin private) Anc check @gktown for more info on Zclassic/Bitcoin Private fork coming soon!

EOS is actually very low right now so is steem BUY BUY BUY

Check back later for my next post today, I will be doing a couple to cover al the incredible ideas @tj4real and @mcsamm and I have been managing with Team Ghana, and @xpency and @nairadaddy at team Nigeria with @airclinic and such. So much potential for Youtub/Dtube documentaries!

FooThank you to @axios for my new Signature artwork GIF! New post about that soon!

If you need a free trial of Ackza's LifeCoach program for Crypto email me at zackza@gmail.com or text 619 500 3748 Signup under me at Binance here https://www.binance.com/?ref=12761991 and....


I was incredibly lucky and privledged to see Stan talk at a local event in Austin. At the time, I was quite new to crypto and he really put a lot of core concepts together for me in a way that really clicked. Ned and Stan really have it going on and if they were involved in the creation of BTC, it would not surprise me at all based on what they have already done thus far. It's truly inspirational and even more exciting to hear about their intent in making this world a better, more free place to live.

Here's a few photos of Stan's talk that I just found:



Also, I'm just sharing these @ackza banners here in case you didn't see them on my other comment. No worries at all if they aren't your vibe, I had a fun time creating them and learned a lot along the way. I love creating and it's what I live for! I may try creating a few memes for the heck of it, especially since I'm also a holder of EOS ;-) Cheers bro!



Wow i am blown away, how much did i say I would send you in SBD for this again> Would you like some Upvotes? Here we go

heres over 2 SBD i sent just nopw and ima go upvote your wall too

Thank you @ackza! I responded to your other comment on my post. So glad you dig them!

those banners are so good. did you us flash?

Thanks @web-gnar, I actually used after effects for animations then photoshop to save as gifs

Can't wait!

Today proves to be a clear notice and going forward we will know which crypto will stand still.
Good job.
Keep on steemit.

staying up late trying to figure out how to export the whole animation. it looks awesome as a .swf, need to practice. thank you for the opportunity to create another animation

i upvoted your blog today, but WOW thi is incredble, make thisits own post please so steemspeak.com and i can upvote it!

here i also sent 1sbd hanks for this... ill keep upvoting u man, ill get u a lot of up votes for posting ythis as its own poxsft

kee[p making more!

This is so great @web-gnar. Well done. Makes me excited to hodl lol

At the first third of your post I thought: Wow, look at Ackza, he really made an effort to style his post this time. Then I could literally see how you speed up the writing and got rid of most styling. :D

The Dan = Satoshi story is a really good. He is genious enough to be considered for that. Thanks for sharing.

$300 EOS? I got my first 100 coins now. I should have listened to you months ago. But on the other hand I hand no money whatsoever. Thx to Steemit this has changed now!

lol XD i see what you mean, but please show me what you would have done to maintain the right style pattern?
i love seeing your comments on my Blog, makes me feel like I made it!

@ackza Once again bringing great INFO to the masses and Building the Power to Attract the Earth to STEEMIT. Consistency is what makes Success. Be here Everyday and GROW with US !

Bitcoin is dying and its dragging the entire market down with it. The markets are literally joined at the hip with BTC, and when BTC falls because people have realized how slow and unreliable it is, the larger market ( the new money, people who have been in the game for less than 5 months) panics as they believe that bitcoin IS the market, and if bitcoin fails, then everything else does. This is part of the issue when people like Warren Buffett go on record saying that "Bitcoin is a bubble and will burst" That part is true, for the most part, not many people are willing to pay $36 for a transaction, especially one that takes an hour or more to confirm, and even more so when the developers make little attempt to fix the BTC network -

But when everyday people hear things like this is causes a massive amount of irrational fear...coupled with news from South Korea which was false, as well as news from traditional outlets that claim the market and Bitcoin are constantly dying. We risk going into a free fall in prices within the next few weeks if people don't stop spreading false information. The market dropped by 30% just on false news and an assumption that Korea MIGHT POSSIBLY COULD BE MAYBE be banned from the markets. What would happen if over a 3 day period Fox News and CNN falsely reported that "Bitcoin" was going to be banned in the US, without any proper sources to back it up? The market would implode all based on a rumour. This is why its VERY important to not follow false channels, or people looking to hype coins, its causing the market to expand in a direction that it shouldnt be going, which is the hype, pump, dump and the market is burning scenarios. This has a lasting effect on the human mind, and we'll pay for it eventually.

Good job at ruining your reputation in just one day with these FUD spam comments.

You are right man, btc is not dying, the hole market went up a lot the last couple of months, a correction like that is normal! BTC is trading now at 10K! Do you remember the end of last year? We all were asking ourselves if btc would hit 10k until the end of 2017! And it did, and more than that it hit almost 20k, so a correction is pretty normal! I remeber when I joined steem, the price was around 80 cents and continuously falling, right now is 3.69!


Some of the information was unknown.Nice post .its related to bitcoin. its a really informational post.thanks for share.

I agree that BTC will probably explode again, maybe to 50k. Long term though, I think we will see the emergence of a few altcoins and BTC will topple.

Good post to see when BTC, ETH are crashing rapidly. But we Hodl and buy dips and wait, hoping this does come true!

If you’re right, what a day to BUY! Omg crazy Bro

That’s my dumbest comment ever

A great publication that offers valuable information to us

Digital money can make us rich to deal with ourselves. I genuinely trust that. Be that as it may, what I additionally accept is that it will influence us to sufficiently fit to serve the penniless also.@ackza sir...

It is absolutely difficult for all to give. Every one is battling in their own specific manners. In any case, that is the magnificence of life is it not? One who has seen the intense time will identify towards the one enduring. Such a one when independent can promptly consider helping other people. When I put in endeavors to gain, I should put in little endeavors along to share.

One might be poor out of absence of education, another might be expected life's weight of overwhelming obligations, another might be out of sheer apathy and some might be not able meet the sudden needs of life. In any case, the truth of the matter is same. They all need assistance. From numerous points of view it can be tended to....

I am loving your forcast the more i read it.

those projection I do not believe much

Hahaha. This crypto world is crazy personally I have been thinking same thing about @dan being satoshi because he has created several blockchains. Like he knows alot about blockchains mehn!!! I am off to buy eos. Although bitconnect gave me my first crypto heartbreak lastnight . I am off jare. I pray the coin grows. Ps: I am also a family member of @air-clinic. Thanks for the support.

This is incredible...how woyld people react to see steem hit $50?? OMG!!! But thanks for this great info @ackza