How to make $500 (or more) today. No, seriously. Not kidding.

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

I'm not gonna shill you guys cause everyone's seen the scammy sales pitches.

I'll tell you exactly what this is, its nothing amazing, but it is literally free money.

Ever stumble upon an ICO promoting itself giving away coins and giving you extras for referrals and such?

Some of today's top coins were given away by the hundreds and thousands in the year(s) prior. A majority of these will increase in value when the ICOs end and they hit exchanges.

A lot of these are RATHER GENEROUS. And with as few as 3 or 4 referrals each, you can collect hundreds of dollars worth in a matter of minutes.

Do you have 5 people on your friends list? 50? 500? more?

It seriously adds up guys.

Most only require an email to sign up, and a lot of them take less than 60 seconds each.

Sign up, refer your friends, cash in. It's really hard to come by free money. This is as real as it gets folks.

You're welcome, and I super appreciate your time and support!

(I'm working on the site, or trying to, don't judge too harshly please)