How did you first hear about bitcoin

in #bitcoin8 years ago (edited)

Are you a bitcoin fan?
Do you spend a lot of time on bitcoin? Reading news, trading, or even writing your own analysis.
But how did you first hear about bitcoin?
Is it some articles you read about? Or just from a friend who has traded bitcoin for a long time?

Share your experience with us. :)


Recent bitcoin fan here!!! Bitcoin first popped up on my radar when it was @ $1000, at the I time didn't know what it was or what its purpose was so i just kept scrolling (HUGE MISTAKE). As time progressed my news feed started filling up with news about bitcoin and then the price Skyrocketed and all i saw on my news feed was bitcoin and ethereum. I lost my chance with the first jump, but after doing research on bitcoin and learning about blockchains . I have a strong belief that its going to shoot up again and i want to be along for the ride!